Changelog: Build 173 Fixed Amnet's derp Build 172 Fixing the inconsistent biome maps. Build 171 Redesigned the Mystic Grove Build 170 Redesigned the Fungi Forest Build 169 Tweaked more biome fog color/thickness stuff Build 168 Fixed a derp Build 167 Tinkering Build 166 Fixed fog closeness values Build 165 Removed debug messages Build 164 Fogginess can now be changed per biome alongside the colour Build 163 Stuff Build 162 Reduced the smoothing area a bit to be in line with the water, should also increase performance a tiny bit Build 161 Fixed the crafting of wooden slabs and stairs Build 160 Fixed a crash bug Build 159 Added some missing biomes to the ATG integration Fog colours can now be on a per-biome basis Build 158 Update ru_RU.lang Build 157 Added separate ring textures for the rest of the logs Build 156 Made honey give slowness upon contact Build 155 Made hives a bit more common Build 154 Added filled honeycombs Build 153 Added honey block generation to hives Build 152 Update de_DE.lang Build 151 Moved the honey block to its own class Build 150 Added a hurt sound for the wasp Build 149 Fixed wasp hurt highlighting Build 148 Fixed wasp size Build 147 Fixed up hive generation yet again Build 146 Fixed the honey liquid Build 145 Made honey a finite liquid Build 144 Added empty honeycombs Build 143 Added hive sub-blocks, tweaked hive generation Build 142 Changed how wasp spawners generate Build 141 Added wasp spawners, made wasp movement more random and frequent Build 140 Added honey Build 139 Added honey generation to the hives (Using water for now) Build 138 Added wasp spawning Build 137 Removed the Hellish Hive biome, added textures for things Build 136 Organized the hive generation a bit Build 135 Attempt at fixing hive placement Build 134 Made hives look nicer Build 133 Fixed up hive generation Build 132 Added "The Hive" biome to the Nether Build 131 Updated wasp entity settings Build 130 Finished off wasps Build 129 Basic bee modelling done, now onto the AI Build 128 Tweaked wasp texture Build 127 Hives now fit into the landscape better Build 126 Simplified hive generation Build 125 Added wasp model and texture Toying with hive generation Fixed wasp model Fixed errors with Forstride's wasp model Build 121 Added Hive blocks Build 120 Fixed ocean generation. Added new Terrain Gen option. Build 119 Added Bloody Heap biome to the Nether Build 118 Purified grass no longer burns infinitely outside the Nether. Build 117 Fix for issue #100. Build 116 Update ru_RU.lang Build 115 Accounted for ATG in the "Use Biomes O' Plenty world type" nag message. Localization peeps, you have a new phrase to localize :P Build 114 The ATG integration now respects whether or not a biome is enabled in our config file Build 113 Let's ditch those capitals Done ditching Build 112 Re-added MFR API Updated and Re-added MFR Integration Build 111 Added ATG Integration. Build 110 Changed the icon for the Sacred Springs achievement Build 109 Fixing the sacred oak sapling tree gen. Build 108 Added Koru world gen Build 107 Added Koru fern Build 106 Updated persimmon leaf textures for Better Grass & Leaves Build 105 Update ru_RU.lang Build 104 Nag messages can now be translated. Closes #101 Build 103 Update ru_RU.lang Build 102 Added transformer exclusion Build 101 Another attempt at fixing the sided asm issues Build 100 Fixed a few deeps Build 99 Finished moving achievement localizations Build 98 More localisation moving Build 97 Moved some more achievement localizations Build 96 Started moving achievement localizations into the lang file Build 95 Another attempt at fixing server nonsense Build 94 Hopefully fixed an issue with servers Build 93 Tweaked the build file Build 92 Fast graphics no longer use the new smoothing Build 91 Removed debug messages as it works properly now Build 90 Added Picksur's Better Grass and Leaves textures for Persimmons Build 89 Added debug console output and more messing with obfuscated names Build 88 Yay for forgetting to account for things! Build 87 More mapping corrections Build 86 Fixed obfuscated mappings Build 85 Tweaked the Manifest.MF Build 84 Foliage, Grass and Water biome colours now smoothly transition from one biome to another. This smoothness is 100% configurable and is separate for each type (One value for Foliage, one for Grass and one for Water). Build 83 Spring cleaning Build 82 Completely ripped out the MFR API as it is no longer needed (BOP integration is now in MFR itself) Build 81 Hopefully fixing the phantoms suffocating players in walls. Build 80 Added a possibility to disable mobs. Build 79 Disabled MFR and TE mod cross integration to prevent crashes. Build 78 You know. Build 77 Updating Thaumcraft API to the newest version. Build 76 Restore compatibility with MFR, fixes #86 Build 75 Updated ore dictionary entries for mod cross integration. Build 74 Fixed palm trees not generating in spaces with foliage/flowers. Made sunflowers not generate unless both spaces are empty. Build 73 Tweaked the Tropics more Build 72 Increased Phantom spawn rates Build 71 Tweaked the Tropics biome Build 70 Random palm trees Build 69 Random pine trees Build 68 Added a Sacred Oak sapling Build 67 Fixed massive tree trunks again Build 66 Fixed tree trunks Build 65 Attempt as massive oak trees Build 64 Tweaked some achievement icons Build 63 Tweaked the Wasteland a bit and changed max/min height of the Marsh Build 62 Made reeds generate based on the distance to land rather than the depth of the water Build 61 Tweaked reed gen again. Removed sand bordering water in the Coniferous Forest. Build 60 Added reeds to more biomes Build 59 Redwood Forest tweaks Build 58 Added a redwood shrub thing to Redwood Forests Build 57 Update de_DE.lang Build 56 Revert "Test run of a new version checker for Forge" This reverts commit df2a2c78d0081f34ae9f8f79021d876fc0a2aa85. Build 55 Test run of a new version checker for Forge Build 54 Update ru_RU.lang Build 53 Switched to the vanilla localisation system. Note to localisation helpers: I did already convert all of the current localizations, however i can't guarantee i haven't stuffed anything up by mistake. If i have, feel free to submit a pull request. Build 52 Updated version.txt Build 51 Added checks for Forge version to fix serverside crashes. Build 50 Backwards compatibility to 1.6.2. Build 49 Version.txt update Build 48 Tweaked bamboo textures Build 47 New bamboo rendering Build 46 Updated the version number Build 45 Removed short grass from the Marsh Build 44 Herpaderp Build 43 Corrected the latest build number Build 42 Tweaked reed item texture Build 41 Another tweak to the change log Build 40 Another attempt at cutting out the author Tweaked reed gen further More toying with change logs Build 37 Tried to remove commit authors from the change log Build 36 Tweaked reed gen Build 34 Readded the change log to play with Build 33 Added reed gen Build 32 New versioning scheme kids Build 31 Updated the change log Build 30 Fixed crash bug with reeds Build 29 Take 2 at reeds Build 28 Changed reeds to river cane, started adding proper reeds Fixed reed rendering Build 27 Added mud to Marshes Build 26 Readded the BOP Api as well as the dev build Build 25 Removed the change log Build 24 Tweaked some textures Build 23 Added wheat grass and damp grass to biomes that didn't have them Build 22 Update ru_RU.xml Build 21 Added some missing files to the dev version Build 20 Take 2 at dev builds Fixing derpiness Build 18 Began work on creating a dev build rather than an API Attempt to fix recompiling Temporarily scrapped the dev build Build 15 Updated de_DE.xml Build 14 Added change log generation Build 10 Borrowed Forge's change log script Build 6 Added the BiomesOPlenty API to the build script Updated build.xml