Changelog: Build 1.7.10- Adubbz: Moved the world type message to to world creation screen Build 1.7.10- Parker Young: Changed src zip to sources jar Build 1.7.10- thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang Build 1.7.10- tobiaspisani: Fixed typo in en_US.lang tobiaspisani: Fixed typo in de_DE.lang tobiaspisani: Fixed typo in it_IT.lang Build 1.7.10- tobiaspisani: Fixed typo in ro_RU.lang Build 1.7.10- tobiaspisani: Added Danish translation file Build 1.7.10- Adubbz: Fixed #315 Build 1.7.10- SoundLogic2236: Made it so that buckets would work on tanks and fluids in tanks would have textures SoundLogic2236: Cleaned up some stuff Build 1.7.10- hazeevaidar: Update ru_RU.lang Build 1.7.10- 645963056: Update zh_CN.lang 645963056: Update zh_CN.lang Build 1.7.10- Adubbz: Fixing code styling Build 1.7.10- Adubbz: Toying with a potential cleanup of blocks Build 1.7.10- 619856824: Update zh_CN.lang Deleted the Springwater's translation Build 1.7.10- SoundLogic2236: Made it so that if harvestcraft turnip seeds (or anything else using the same ore dictionary entry) will be used in place of the default turnip seeds. Yay turnip soup! Build 1.7.10- 619856824: Update zh_CN.lang for 1.7.10 Add some new stuff's translation, also revise some inappropriate translations. One more thing, is the Springwater removed in 1.7.10 Bop? It appeared in game, but i just can't find it in the language file. If it was already removed, i will delete it. Build 1.7.10- SoundLogic2236: Made it so wild carrots can be replanted in the ground. SoundLogic2236: Fixed stupid errors and improved readability Build 1.7.10- Adubbz: Commented out the new End Provider temporarily Build 1.7.10- Adubbz: Started on the new grass Adubbz: Added the basics for the new dirt types. Farmland is yet to be added, and appropriate behaviours for sheep also need to be made Build 1.7.10- Catcwe316: Fixed grass side textures Build 1.7.10- Catcwe316: Tweaked a few textures, added Wisteria block for future use Build 1.7.10- Catcwe316: Tweaked a few textures Build 1.7.10- verybigbro: Update ru_RU.lang Build 1.7.10- Adubbz: Fixed slime spawning in the Bayou. Closes #296 Build 1.7.10- Catcwe316: Changed which biomes slimes/globs spawn in Build 1.7.10- Adubbz: Fixed the broken localisation for Blood Buckets Build 1.7.10- Adubbz: Fixed bamboo on Podzol and Dirt. Closes #300 Build 1.7.10- thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang Vanilla changed the names of some trees so I had to change them here so they are not the same. thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang Build 1.7.10- Adubbz: Fixed conflicts with Tinkers Construct Build 1.7.10- Adubbz: Removed fog density for the time being, it's not smooth enough Build 1.7.10- Adubbz: Attempted to fix fog distances Adubbz: Tweaked fog distances slightly (they're still terrible) Adubbz: Corrected the Forge version requirements Crashes will occur if an earlier version is used Adubbz: Removed the version from - is enough Catcwe316: Tweaked grass amounts in a few biomes Catcwe316: Added other textures needed for new soils Build 1.7.10- Catcwe316: Updated Biome Dictionary tags Catcwe316: Added Persimmon Trees to the Dead Forest, tweaked the Grassland, changed Grove village wood to Dark Oak Catcwe316: Tweaks to the Cherry Blossom Grove, Fen, Flower Field, Lavender Fields, Marsh, and Volcano Catcwe316: Changed mod logo Catcwe316: Updated Adubbz: Updated the version number/Minecraft version requirements Catcwe316: Redid logo again Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Fixed village stairs in the Grove biome Build 1.7.2- Vexatos: Update de_DE.lang Build 1.7.2- hazeevaidar: Update ru_RU.lang Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Prevented n must be positive from occurring when decorating Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed the Roofed Forest biome having no trees Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Update trails.txt Adubbz: Update trails.txt Adubbz: Update trails.txt Adubbz: Update trails.txt Adubbz: Cleaned up networking, attempted to fix trails in multiplayer (I can't test this proper as I don't have a second account/legitimate server) Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Testing Adubbz: Update trails.txt Adubbz: Update trails.txt Adubbz: Update trails.txt Adubbz: Fixed the Forge version requirement Adubbz: Fixed sub biome consistency. Courtesy of Zeno410 Build 1.7.2- thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Added all trail textures Adubbz: Added version file Adubbz: Added trails.txt - They're almost done :) Adubbz: Added trails, a replacement for our custom capes Adubbz: Fixed a server crash and issues with UUIDTypeAdapter Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Added a test trail thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang Here's the new update for 1.7.10. The italian vanilla localization have changed a lot of words and the capital letter in the words that are not the first in the localization (a part from a few mobs and others). Adubbz: Added config options for oceanFiller and landmassPercentage Adubbz: Fixed event handlers Build 1.7.2- thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang Build 1.7.2- thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Removed capes (They will be replaced in future with something else) Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Hopefully fixed issues with capes in older versions Adubbz: Update capes.txt Adubbz: Take 2 at backwards compatibility. Cross your fingers. Build 1.7.10- Adubbz: Minecraft 1.7.2 is now once again supported Adubbz: Derp. We're still compiling against 1.7.10 Adubbz: Manually set the Forge version requirement. Bah. Build 1.7.10- Adubbz: Added UUIDs for capes (used in 1.7.10) Usernames will be removed from here in future however, as 1.7.2 and 1.6 are still used they shall remain for some time. If i've stuffed any up (once a version supporting 1.7.10 has been released) please make an issue on here or PM me (via MCF, IRC or whatever) Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Tweaked the startup warning. Closes #281, #282 Build 1.7.2- dams.21: Update fr_FR.lang Translation 100% Build 1.7.2- lumien231: Initializing biomesToSpawnIn Prevents an NPE when the Spawn Point is moved to the nether. Adubbz: The backup biome is now a random biome from any temperature instead of mushroom islands Adubbz: Fixed missing imports from lumien231's commit Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded Forestry integration Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Go away moss crashes. You're not wanted. Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed the metadata of gem drops. Closes #273 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed a crash upon generating the nether Adubbz: Changed the version number whilst i remember Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Capes are now solely kept in the master branch Adubbz: Update capes.txt Adubbz: Removed capes (They are now kept in the master branch on their own) Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Rewrote decoration. Don't try this at home. Adubbz: Hopefully fixed sapling metadata quirkiness Adubbz: Hopefully fixes #270 Adubbz: Removed multi catches (They are only in Java 7+) Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Update capes.txt Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed reflection in the CapeEventHandler Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Update capes.txt Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Phantoms once again roam Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed up potions and removed BOPPotionHelper. Closes #268 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Update capes.txt Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked the remaining sub-biomes Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Oops, bad imports! Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Moved potions to BOPCPotions. The API is once again completely separated from the mod itself. Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Created BOPCFluids Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Goodbye BOPBlockHelper Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Crag rock now uses stone sounds Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Removed old default world hackery in favour of the new Forge 1110 biome system. In turn, the mod now requires 1110+ Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Made item references non-retarded, removed the odd few crafting config options. These are not our responsibility, if you want to tweak the hell out of things to an extent that we don't allow use a mod like MineTweaker Build 860: Adubbz: Fixed the ancient staff subtype listing I'm only doing this because it's a one-off, one-line fix for Hephinator. Don't get any ideas those of you who think i have time for revisiting 1.6. Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Gave scythes a significant buff. Closes #228 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Added the final biome dictionary entry. Closes #247 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the orchard and the appropriate saplings. Closes #233 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Mangrove, readded mangrove saplings, fixed hellbark saplings and began adding null checks in preparation for disablable biome ids Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Garden, readded bonemeal functionality on poppys/dandelion and *hopefully* fixed issues involving BlockMoss. Clses #248 Build 1.7.2- rmccorkell: Fix Fir leaves in TreeCapitator IMC Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed the drops for various blocks Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Removed rain from the dry river Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed mushroom island generation Build 1.7.2- bspkrs: Send IMC message to new mod ID I changed the Treecapitator mod ID to use the correct capitalization. I left the old line for backwards compatibility. Adubbz: Fixed sub-biome clumping. Closes #249 Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaks to the Coral Reef and Kelp Forest, and coral textures Build 1.7.2- смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Removed emerald ore from the Canyon and Moor to balance the amount of biomes with emerald with vanilla Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Changed the amount of BOP biomes that villages spawn in to be the same percentage as vanilla Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Removed the Dunes Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked ocean biome heights, tweaked amber and topaz textures Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded ocean biomes. Closes #234 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Removed bonemeal case for kelp Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: An exception is now thrown when referenced blocks and items are null and fixed an invalid reference to coral in BOPCrafting. Closes #258 Adubbz: Beginning work on the coral reef Adubbz: Corrected the broken imports Build 1.7.2- thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Made the Spruce Woods a sub-biome of the vanilla Forest, and added the bluebells to the Coniferous Forest Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Added Amber Ore for forest biomes, tweaked existing ore generation Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed dupe Volcano and Tropics classes Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed a bug with coral turning into kelp Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Yeah... I'm uncomfortable with this being configurable Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Added localisation support for a few things. Closes #254 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed coral suction, repacked sub biomes/tech biomes, fixed foliage being un-replacable Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Changed the Biome Essence Pod to Biome Essence Ore Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Removed Biome Essence from loot chests, and added Biome Essence Pods Build 1.7.2- thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Replaced the Chromaflora with an Enderlotus flower, and changed the texture of Biome Essence Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Don't be a derpface Forstride Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked the Grove and Tropical Rainforest Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked the Deciduous Forest and Shrubland Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Removed the Timber biome, fixed village biomes Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Added Shadow Shrooms, removed Clouds, tweaked biome weights, fixed naming for Spectral Moss/Smoldering Grass, cleaned up block texture folder Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked the Undergarden and Phantasmagoric Inferno Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Replaced the Purified Grass/Dirt/Tall Grass blocks with new ones for the End Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Completed Nether biomes. Closes #221 Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Removed Red Rocks and Skystone blocks, and added strata blocks (Limestone, Siltstone, and Shale) Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded poison lakes. Closes #227 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Biome weights (For BoP biomes) are now configurable. Closes #240 Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Re-did the dead tree generation Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked the alps a bit Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed a bug where there were double the amount of lava/water springs and prevented them from generating above 128 Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Fixed the overgrown netherrack in the Undergarden Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Added the Alps Forest and Meadow Forest sub biomes Catcwe316: Added the Canyon Ravine sub-biome, disabled water/lava springs in mountainous biomes Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked village material replacement Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Readded the Dry River, allowed the Frozen River to generate in snowy BOP biomes Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Removed the Dry River and added a Lush River Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Added a Dry River biome, and moved the silkglades to a sub-biome of the Sludgepit Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Allowed for multiple parents of river biomes Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Added support for river biomes Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Foliage now works properly in the nether (hopefully i didn't break anything) Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Improvements to the Quagmire, Steppe, and Outback, tried to add a custom river mix genlayer Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Changed the Tropics and Volcano to ocean sub-biomes, made the Quagmire a sub-biome of the Sludgepit Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: More progress on the Undergarden Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Started readding the Undergarden Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked sub biomes heights, made the Oasis nicer Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded functionality for only biomes Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Nether biomes should be enabled once again Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Fungi Forest Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Oasis, however it still needs some work (once we go over everything) Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the scrubland Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Steppe Adubbz: Wood and stone scythes no longer work on leaves (as originally intended). Closes #215 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Work on sub biomes Adubbz: Readded the Glacier as a sub biome of the Arctic Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Overhauled the biome generation and id config files, redid biome registration/referencing and made the have alphabetical ordering because it was irritating me. In turn, you no longer have to pick a biome from every temperature type, generation of biomes added from the default world is now configurable (closes #239) and disabling special biomes should no longer cause any issues. Adubbz: Cleaned up the special biomes generation config options, oceans can now be disabled without any issues Adubbz: Forgot to uncomment the BiomeDictionary entries Adubbz: Updated build.gradle Adubbz: Updated Build 1.7.2- jiangwei920228: Update zh_CN Build 1.7.2- thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang Build 1.7.2- смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: The honey and poison buckets are now put on the creative tab properly Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded buckets for honey and poison. Spring water will need to be further considered. Closes #226 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed the leaves hotbox. Closes #224 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed the cactus hitbox. Closes #235 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the code for the ivy vines, removed metadata layering nonsense (1.8 would have crushed this) and (hopefully) fixed #229 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Birds now drop feathers with a metadata of 0. Closes #218 Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Fixed Ender Amethyst spawning in the overworld Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked heights for some biomes, tweaked biome rarity Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Fixed pine trees and palm trees generating inside of terrain Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed a crash in the default world Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Boneyard Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Using black magic, fixed biomes not being added from other mods due to ordering issues Adubbz: Oops, left out a class Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Added debug mode, currently only for checking which biomes are being added from the default world Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Repackaging, added decoration to the default nether biome, readded the Corrupted Sands nether biome Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Phantasmagoric Inferno Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded wasp hives, fixed a bug where the default 'Hell' biome wasn't being added to the Nether Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Removed some candy land crap that i missed Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Adjusted biome weights to work with a base of 10, removed unnecessary vanilla biome registrations and fixed a derp with which lists were being used in GenLayerBiomeBOP Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Completely ripped out the Candyland and April Fools easter eggs, i don't want to maintain them, they hardly worked and caused more problems than they were worth Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: All biomes from the default world should now be added to the BoP world type (Should help with compatibility with TC3 etc.) Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Disabled the Candyland world type completely. Build 1.7.2- thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Removed the Mild biome type, you can't just cram one in and it'll magically work. Build 1.7.2- Vexatos: Update de_DE.lang Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Fixed biome IDs (Requires a fresh config file) Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Removed the Pasture biome and cleaned up the IDs config a bit. Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Decoration tweaks to a few biomes Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Added a new "mild" biome temperature to further improve biome placement. Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tried to fix lava/water springs Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Fixed underground decoration, added Duckweed to more biomes Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: More things Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Things Build 1.7.2- thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Added Jelly Blocks Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Bad conventions are bad Build 1.7.2- wowr87: Update ru_RU.lang Translation updated. Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Because apparently there is a witch hunt going on for this Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Fixed Cold Beaches generating around Mystic Groves, and made the Coniferous Forest look nicer Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Made the April Fools joke a liiiiiiiiiiitle less invasive Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked a few textures Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed a bug with config options Catcwe316: Tweaked some biome decoration things Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Fixed moss placement Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Renamed Algae to Duckweed, renamed Seaweed to Algae, changed a few textures, and other minor changes. Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Delete Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Updated the license to 4.0 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: The Flower Field now actually has flowers in it... Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Removed y offset on tiny cactus, began work on Nether Biomes, fixed a bug with anything working as a furnace fuel and prevented our decoration from occuring outside of the BoP worldtype Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed Forced Decorators with grass and flowers Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed an issue with the Bamboo Forest not being decorated properly Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Preliminary fix for Forced Decorators, fixed a bug with moon phases. Closes #206 Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Fixed boulder gen for tundras/wastelands Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Removed the Promised Land, did a significant cleanup of the system for world gen features Adubbz: Forgot to readd the workaround for the Already Decorating! nonsense Adubbz: Merged changes from Forstride, fixed a nullpointer from left-in acacia references with Ore Dictionary registration Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Replaced sunflowers and high grass with different blocks thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Added flowering vines for the trees in the Mystic Grove Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Fixed Bayou trees Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Changed boulders to use the vanilla boulder generation. Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Various tweaks to biomes Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Finished the forced decorators for vanilla biomes Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Added a proper logger, added the beginnings of a "SubBlocks" layer for blocks with metadata. Adubbz: Renamed the Random Filter Adubbz: Renamed the Random Filter Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: They're baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked some things in preparation for upcoming changes Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked the swampland forced decorator, and added placeholders for other forced decorators Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Added freshwater seaweed, started adding more forced decorators for vanilla biomes Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Added leaf piles and dead leaf piles Build 701: jdgbolt: Fix for Version checking crash and change version URL to point to repository Build 1.7.2- thevikingwarrior98: Update it_IT.lang Build 1.7.2- смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang Build 1.7.2- mymagadsl: Update zh_TW.lang Error correction code and translation Build 1.7.2- Vexatos: Update de_DE.lang qeliox: Update ru_RU.lang Build 1.7.2- mymagadsl: Create zh_TW.lang Converted from zh_CN Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed since ntzrmtthihu777 has more OCD than i do Adubbz: Derp Build 1.7.2- fabricatorgeneral: Fixes biome decoration for Promised Land reactivate commented out super.decorate calls Filter Random to prevent -1 height crashes fix treegen to use correct grass block. Build 1.7.2- amnet: Fix for slabs. Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed the nether floor being made of grass amnet: Fix for a crash with slabs. amnet: Fix for the file name. Build 688: wwrpg: Update Do not drop empty bottle and only drop one bowl when eating salads. wwrpg: Update Allow Redwood saplings to GROW!!! Build 1.7.2- amnet: Fixing issue #190 with duplicating bowls. Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed server crash on startup. Fixes #176 #183 #186 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed crash on startup with the custom panorama. Fixes #185 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed #184 Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Update capes.txt Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Updated the basics of fluids meatkroket: Nether biome gen Disabled biome deco: ChunkProviderBOPHell line 570 Add new hell biomes at: BiomeLayerHellBiomes line 23 ted80: Fix Adubbz: Toying with buckets Adubbz: Added support for registering non-overworld biomes Adubbz: Added an alternate constructor to BOPBiomeEntry for Nether biomes Adubbz: Actually... May as well make them WARM by default instead of HOT Catcwe316: Made pixies spawn in the Mystic Grove. Added ichor (Soon to be dropped by imps) Catcwe316: Added Mahogany logs/leaves/planks/saplings/etc. for Tropical Rainforest trees Catcwe316: Fixed double ferns generating in certain swampy biomes instead of double tall grass ted80: Update it_IT.lang fixes #179 progwml6: Run repo through remapping script -- UNTESTED progwml6: switch to forge build with new names progwml6: fix several compile errors from remapping progwml6: fix errors with setAttribute Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked biome radar text Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Reduced the biome radar jump distance to 512 to make any biomes found in a realistic to travel to distance Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed NPE on startup, fixed mob/record sounds once and for all Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Commented out the Promised Land Biome Dictionary entries Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Commented out the Promised Land biomes and the teleported to the dimension for now, need to redo the current biome system to support dimension-specific biomes Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Committing my changes as a fallback Adubbz: Biome Finder complete. Build 1.7.2- Vexatos: Update de_DE.lang Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Fixed the Sacred Springs' color, changed formatting for Biome Radar tooltip Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Mostly finished the biome finder, just rendering stuff now Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked biome essence loot weights Catcwe316: Added color support for biome essence Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed a bug with biome essence loot Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Changed biome scrolls to biome essence, made it spawn in various structures Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed NPEs on launch with the Promised Land Build 1.7.2- fabricatorgeneral: Re-implement Promisedland dimension. Summary of changes: Commented out lighting API, for performance reasons Relocate portal generation to WorldGenPromisedLandPortal, removes duplicate code. Simplified multi-biome layer generation code. Re-activate teleport code Notes: tree/grass generated commented out due to vanilla crash bug, see BiomeGenPromisedLand*** super.decorate calls A number of customBiomeDecorator calls to be re-implemented, left commented out for now. Build 653: Adubbz: Reverted build.gradle back to the way it was Build 652: Catcwe316: Fixed flower weights so Adubbz would shut up Adubbz: Fixed pickblock on slabs Catcwe316: Added dark oak logs/leaves to a few biomes Adubbz: Lots of changes including adding support for biome-specific bonemeal flowers and starting on the Biome Finder Compass Catcwe316: Changed biome radar texture and name Adubbz: Made the biome check relative to the player's position and choose the closest biome that it can find Catcwe316: Added crafting recipe for the Biome Radar Adubbz: Added the basics for biome scrolls, made the position of the biome to find sync on player connection Vexatos: Update de_DE.lang смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang Adubbz: Removed Reflection for the TemptEventHandler, Added a "No biome found" state for the biome finder and prevented it from being used multiple times (until the biome on it has been changed) Catcwe316: Improved the Biome Radar texture, added the enchantment effect to the Biome Scrolls Adubbz: Fixed an issue where the biome finder would point to 0, 0 until relogging Adubbz: Updated the forge version in Hopefully fixes #174 Adubbz: And apparently the POM is broken Adubbz: Ugh, i don't know Adubbz: Let's try this... Adubbz: Update build.gradle Adubbz: Replaced some double quotes with singles (I doubt it'll change anything) Build 630: Catcwe316: Made poison ivy spawn the poison potion particle randomly Build 629: Catcwe316: Made reeds look nicer Build 628: Catcwe316: Fixed trees in the Mystic Grove and Ominous Woods, tweaked foliage colors/textures Build 627: Catcwe316: Started adding new vanilla flowers to our biomes Build 626: Catcwe316: Tweaked the Lush Desert Build 625: Catcwe316: Fixed high grass gen in the Highland Build 624: Adubbz: And now servers should be able to run (I actually tested it this time >_>) Build 623: Adubbz: Added SideOnly annotations for the Guis to fix issues on servers Build 622: Adubbz: Reenabled the changelog. *Crosses fingers* Adubbz: This is the end Build 618: Adubbz: Well here we are again Build 616: Adubbz: The source and apis should be zips... Build 615: Adubbz: Cleanup Adubbz: Unbreaking I Build 613: Adubbz: Or maybe it is both at the same time... Build 612: Adubbz: No. It's neither. And it should work now. Build 611: Adubbz: Is it raining, is it snowing Build 610: Adubbz: Try this.... Build 609: Adubbz: Okay, maybe i don't feel fine Build 608: Adubbz: And i feel fine Adubbz: *Now* i feel fine Build 606: Adubbz: Cause it's the end of the world as we know it Build 605: Adubbz: The changelog should work now Adubbz: Maybe this time Adubbz: Let's not be retarded Adubbz: Please no more... Build 601: Adubbz: Updated build.gradle Build 600: Adubbz: Apparently this works now (something earlier must've fixed it) Build 599: Adubbz: Swapped appendixes for classifiers Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Changed the domain name Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Bah, i dunno Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: ... Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Let's try this... Adubbz: ... Adubbz: ... Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: ... Adubbz: ... Adubbz: ... Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Updated build.gradle Adubbz: Let's not do that Adubbz: Let's not forget brackets either Adubbz: Derps everywhere today Adubbz: Missing things... Adubbz: Tinkering... Adubbz: Painful... Build 1.7.2- bspkrs: added Treecapitator integration back in :D Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed a derp Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Made some special case biomes configurable Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed only biomes Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked biomes heights and weights Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Added support for biome weights Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Commenting out unused (as of yet) config options Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded Biome Dictionary support Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked the Flower Field a bit Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Stuff it, spaces can stay Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded configurable biome gen Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded stronghold biomes, and made them configurable Adubbz: Let's not leave in errors... Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Reenabled Jungle Spider and Glob spawning in the biomes that are already in Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Removed old META-INF Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Village biome config options are now generated dynamically Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: New clover texture Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Amongst other config file tweaks, made all per chunk values added by BOP configurable as booleans Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Added checks to ensure that the player is on land when spawning (sometimes they would spawn in the ocean directly next to a beach) Build 1.7.2- aarongauntlett: Changed the title screen background to be more fitting Adubbz: Readded most of the saplings, with the only ones remaining being those for trees that are unused (for now) (Persimmon, Hellbark, Holy, Apple & Mangrove) Adubbz: Fixed the flammability of all of the blocks Adubbz: Fixed the speed of scythes against leaves Adubbz: Fixed bonemeal on saplings, holy grass, turnips, cattail and tiny cacti. The rest will be done once the blocks for them are used Adubbz: Readded custom village biomes, readied configurable village distance, readied custom biome village materials Adubbz: Readded configurable biome size Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: You can now only spawn on beaches (configurable) Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed #168 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Hopefully fixed issues outside of eclipse (again) Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: And now we no longer override GuiMainMenu. Hackery rocks! Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Changed the title panorama to suit BOP better Build 1.7.2- aarongauntlett: Changed the title screen background to be more fitting Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Made the startup warning solely about the BOP worldtype Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Added an attempt at making the beach the only biome that can be spawned on, will have to revisit it Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed mods list logo Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Switched to Gradle 1.1 properly (Thanks progwml6|L), fixed a bug with wild carrots, added a one-time warning on startup regarding the BOP worldtype and 1.7 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Attempting to update Gradle (Didn't work last time) Adubbz: Yeah... That didn't work Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed undecorated chunk "stripes" Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Added podzol to the Bamboo Forest and Redwood Forest Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Attempting to fix block placement issues Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed Reflection in eclipse, it now works both ways! Yay! Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Another attempt... Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Attempt at fixing the Reflection crash Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Removed debug Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Wasteland. All main biomes readded. Have fun Forstride >:) Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the silk glades. 1 left. Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Volcano, Tropics, Temperate Rainforest and Sludgepit Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Wetland and Woodland. 6 remaining. Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Tundra and Tropical Rainforest. 8 remaining. Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Spruce Woods and Timber. It's the Final Countdown :) Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Shield and Seasonal Forest Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixing derps Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Redwood Forest Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Update capes.txt Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Quagmire Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Prairie Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Temperature tweaks Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Outback biome Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the More, Mystic Grove and Origin Valley, also potentially fixed issues with the Tempt Event Handler Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Always forgetting to remove the debug stuff Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Meadow Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Bugfixing and readded the Maple Woods Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Bayou, Bog, Snowy Coniferous Forest, Dead Swamp, Heathland, Lush Desert & Lush Swamp Adubbz: Removed debug stuff Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked a few things Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Removed debug, added a new workaround for the "Already Decorating" error Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Chaparral, Coniferou sForest and Grove Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Bugfixing, and readded the Fen Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Let's switch back to the vanilla group count Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Let's not leave the debugging stuff in :S Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: *Hopefully* fixed decoration amounts, readded the canyon, brushland and dead forest Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Reverted back to the old coord setup, seems using the vanilla one breaks things Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded a few biomes, heavily altered the existing decoration system to be more configurable Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Made the particle resourcelocations static, rearranged the biome IDS to work with 1.7, readded the Grassland, added a way of changing the amount of lakes per chunk Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Update capes.txt Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Mountain biome Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Pasture and Shrubland Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the rainforest Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Ominous Woods Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the highland Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Update capes.txt Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the Jade Cliffs Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Tweaked the Frost Forest and flower gen Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Started work on the Frost Forest Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Forgot to set the height for the dunes Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixing derps Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded the thicket and dunes, hopefully fixed some placement issues too Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded crafting recipes Adubbz: Fixed the place sounds of bones and graves Catcwe316: Tweaked a few textures Catcwe316: Replaced acacia stuff with sacred oak stuff Adubbz: Readded the event handlers for various things Adubbz: Allowed for empty lines in capes.txt Adubbz: Readded vanilla compat (Dispenser behaviours and dungeon loot) Adubbz: Fixed flower band creative tab, fixed leaves lighting Adubbz: Fixed lily flower rendering Vexatos: Update de_DE.lang Adubbz: Readded entities Adubbz: Toying with biome decoration, *hopefully* fixed errors with iPosition Adubbz: Fixed the biome decorator stuff Catcwe316: Update capes.txt Adubbz: Added a temporary setup for adding biomes Adubbz: Tweaking the temporary setup Catcwe316: Attempted adding the Sacred Springs biome Adubbz: Partially fixed the sacred springs смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang Adubbz: Added support for custom flower decoration Catcwe316: Testing flower gen Adubbz: Fixed flower placement Adubbz: Allowed changing of the group size of flowers, added a template for heights in the Sacred Springs Adubbz: Update version.txt 1196377271: Update zh_CN.lang Adubbz: Temporarily disabled setting the fire properties, will have to reinvestigate it eventually Adubbz: Renaming things Catcwe316: Readded biome classes Catcwe316: Commented out stuff in biomes so they wouldn't error Adubbz: Amongst other things, readded the Alps, Arctic and Bamboo Forest Adubbz: Fixed bamboo saplings Adubbz: Lots of decoration stuff Adubbz: Fixed BOPWorldFeatures instancing Adubbz: Trying to get rivercane to work, but it seems to still drop off when a block is generated next to one of the segments higher than the bottom Adubbz: Fixed the Sacred Springs biome Adubbz: Readded the Crag biome (Yay for easy biomes!) Catcwe316: Changed the Field biome to Flower Field Catcwe316: Update capes.txt Adubbz: Committing files so i can resolve the conflicts Adubbz: Updated the Forge version Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Cleanup Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed turnip seed dropping, fixed wading boots on Ash and Mud and fixed scythes Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed turnips Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded potion effects Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded armour Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Readded dandelion and magic tree particles Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Mudballs are throwable once again Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed tool effectiveness on blocks Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Attempting to change break speed Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed sunflower and highrass placement for the sake of it Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed a rendering bug and some issues with block placement Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed slab/stair lighting issues Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed creating double slabs Build 1.7.2- Vexatos: Fix all the things! Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed the localisations. Closes #156 Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed reed rendering Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed the record textures Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Fixed the block hardness and step sounds of hopefully all of the blocks Adubbz: Fixed the metadata mixup with stone formations Build 1.7.2- Catcwe316: Updated donator cape list Build 1.7.2- Adubbz: Omega fixing Adubbz: Compile errors fixed. Welcome back blocks Adubbz: Started toying with creatives tabs, the food item and the mud block Adubbz: Toying with more things Adubbz: Reduced files to what works, let's make this a proper rewrite! Adubbz: Removed old apis Adubbz: Welcome back darts and dart blowers Adubbz: Reenabled properties of mud since it actually works, it was just a bug Adubbz: Repackaging Adubbz: Fixed an issue with quicksand Adubbz: Readded ash blocks, finished items (for the most part) and readied the biomes class Adubbz: Readded the BOP Worldtype Adubbz: Fixed the ash step sound, added clouds, changed the mud drop back to mud balls Adubbz: Removed the config options for block and item IDs as they are no longer needed Adubbz: Readded colorized saplings Adubbz: Added the broken blocks to the repo for the sake of it Adubbz: Readded logs Adubbz: References to block IDs in constructors removed, removed old quicksand class, references to the BOP creative tab fixed Adubbz: References to Icon and IconRegister changed Adubbz: registerIcons() and getIcon() renamed Adubbz: More renaming Adubbz: Fuckloads of work on updating blocks Adubbz: More fixing Adubbz: Omega fixing Adubbz: Compile errors fixed. Welcome back blocks Adubbz: Yay, Gradle bullshit Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: More fixing Catcwe316: Meat is an ore Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Updated version.txt and Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Fuckloads of work on updating blocks Catcwe316: Finished christmas lights Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Work on christmas lights Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Added the broken blocks to the repo for the sake of it Adubbz: Readded logs Adubbz: References to block IDs in constructors removed, removed old quicksand class, references to the BOP creative tab fixed Adubbz: References to Icon and IconRegister changed Adubbz: registerIcons() and getIcon() renamed Adubbz: More renaming 1196377271: Update zh_CN.lang Merry Christmas! смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Readded colorized saplings Adubbz: Added festive lights to pine tree leaves... Damn you Forstride Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Readded the BOP Worldtype Adubbz: Fixed the ash step sound, added clouds, changed the mud drop back to mud balls Adubbz: Removed the config options for block and item IDs as they are no longer needed Catcwe316: texture things Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Readded ash blocks, finished items (for the most part) and readied the biomes class Vexatos: Update de_DE.lang Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Reenabled properties of mud since it actually works, it was just a bug Adubbz: Repackaging Adubbz: Fixed an issue with quicksand king: Fix treecap integration Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Toying with more things Adubbz: Reduced files to what works, let's make this a proper rewrite! Adubbz: Removed old apis Adubbz: Welcome back darts and dart blowers Catcwe316: Changed shrub texture Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Updated cape list Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Made pine tree generation look nicer, changed pine leaf textures Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Please work... Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Testing Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Bah Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Attempted to fix capes Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: *Hopefully* added support for respawning with Natura installed Adubbz: Removed override annotation that was breaking things Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Updated Forestry integration, added crafting recipe for overgrown netherrack Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Changed the fog color of the Silkglades Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Changed the surface/filler block of the Phantasmagoric Inferno to ash Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Tweaked overgrown netherrack gen a bit Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Replaced grass blocks in the Undergarden with overgrown netherrack Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Disabled the Deadlands in the default config Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Cape names Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Finished cape stuff...For now... Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: More cape stuff Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: You already know what this is Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Testing another type of dev cape Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Changed dev cape again Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Changed dev cape image Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Changed the Ominous Woods sky color Build 1.6.4- смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang minor tweaks Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Upped the version number to 1.2.0, this is now the recommended version Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Welcome back Treecapacitator integration. *Hopefully* closes #130 completely Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: "Fixed" some saplings textures Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Toying with a possible fix for treecapacitator integration Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Added a check to ensure rosester rose-placing is on the server side Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: The nether is now overridden by default in the ATG world type. Fixes #145 Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: The enderporter now checks for whether or not isSurfaceWorld() returns true in the world provider. Closes #117 Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Greatly reduced the chances Rosesters have of spawning roses. Closes #140 Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: BOPBlockFoliage now extends BlockTallGrass. Closes #141 Build 1.6.4- смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang Build 1.6.4- enosphorous: Begin re-localization of zh_CN.lang enosphorous: Updated and fixed zh_CN.lang. Just a quick little Christmas gift for the BoP team. Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Nerfed nether wart generation in the Undergarden, redid some sapling textures Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Nerfed the Orchard biome/apple trees yet again Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Changed magic tree textures Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: There once was a man named Stanley. He sat in room 147 entering commands that appeared on his monitor. Fixed #147 Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Scrapped grass/leaves/foliage colouring as it only served to cause bugs, was used by few and will be one less hinderance in updating to 1.7 Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Testing stuff Build 1.6.4- Catcwe316: Replaced beetroots with turnips Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Removed unnecessary stuff from the OreDictionary Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Reduced the required Forge version Adubbz: Removed CodeChickenCore dependency and simply added DepLoader to BOP Adubbz: Officially removed 1.6.2 support (In reality, it was removed a while back when the required Forge was made to 952) Adubbz: Fixed a bug from lowering the Forge version requirement Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Let the games... Begin! Adubbz: Modularized stats Adubbz: Fixed server crashing Adubbz: Added info files and the logo Adubbz: Body temperature now changes from the current biome temperature and temperature sources (fire is currently the only one of these that is defined) Adubbz: Forgot to remove debug crap Adubbz: Hugely simplified the temperature system to be far more logical Adubbz: Added temperature modifiers for the time and a few player states Build 1.6.4- Adubbz: Made Gradle only replace the temp Forge version in Build 335: Adubbz: Attempted to fix change log version number Adubbz: Ah well, scrapped that Build 333: Adubbz: Stalactites and stalagmites now support any block that extends BlockStone Build 332: Adubbz: Fixed change logs once and for all (I hope) Build 331: Adubbz: Maybe... Adubbz: Tell me why... Adubbz: Be nice. Adubbz: Goddamnit Adubbz: :/ Adubbz: Testing... Adubbz: Maybe it'll work this time... Build 324: Adubbz: Testing Adubbz: Attempted to fix strings Adubbz: Failing... Adubbz: *Maybe* it won't fail this time Build 320: Adubbz: Supposedly change logs work... Build 319: Vexatos: Update de_DE.lang Vexatos: Tiny improvement. Adubbz: Gradlelized BOP Adubbz: Removed remnants of javadoc attempts, removed unnecessary Forge repo declaration Adubbz: Made the expand spread over multiple lines Adubbz: Fixed Gradle indentation Adubbz: Removed build.xml, added the gradle wrapper to the repo Adubbz: Removed Build 308: Catcwe316: Added beetroots (From Minecraft Pocket Edition) Build 307: смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang Build 306: Adubbz: Possibily fixed treecapacitator integration Build 305: amnet: Fixed leaves. Build 304: Catcwe316: fixed cape names and image Build 303: Adubbz: Redwood saplings actually grow now and now only require a single sapling Build 302: Adubbz: Added dev capes, because you know, being special is cool :P Build 301: Adubbz: Clamped the hive getIcon to prevent crashes for people with ID conflicts Build 300: Adubbz: Update build.xml Build 299: Adubbz: Reduced pixie spawns, disabled lighting in the Promised Land (As a result, performance should be far less of a problem than it previously was) Adubbz: Update build.xml Adubbz: Boring build file stuff Build 296: Adubbz: Buckets holding BOP Fluids will now cross over to 1.7 when the time comes Build 295: Adubbz: Pixie particles are now only spawned on the client (Fixes an NPE with them) Adubbz: And apparently Rosester's had the RenderPlayer method in them... Right... Build 294: Adubbz: Attempted to fix TE integration Build 293: Adubbz: Fixed a derp with colorized leaves ids Build 292: Adubbz: Fixed #128 Build 291: Adubbz: Changed the way we check for the client, as per Mistaqur's advice Build 290: Adubbz: Removed commented TE stuff, since that is automatically handled now. Still need to fix the pulveriser recipes for bones. Build 289: Adubbz: Moved TE integration to preinit Build 288: Adubbz: Tinkering with the new TC API/IMC system Build 287: Adubbz: Updated the WorldCore version Build 286: Catcwe316: Changed default biomes to generate in config Build 285: Adubbz: Forgot to remove debug stuff Build 284: Adubbz: Time to use the "Derpy Forstride" Spray! Build 283: Catcwe316: Tweaks to the Wasteland biome Build 282: Vexatos: Updated de_DE.lang Build 281: Catcwe316: Added pixie trail particles that keep crashing Catcwe316: Prevented underground liquid poison/spring water lakes from generating in the Origin Valley, Nether, and Promised Land Catcwe316: Fixed achievement bug (I think) Catcwe316: Made Ambrosia crafting recipe use pixie dust instead of dandelions Catcwe316: Added Pixie Jars aarongauntlett: Fixed pixie placement Catcwe316: Fixed Pixie spawns (I think) Build 280: Adubbz: Amongst other things, added Pixie Jars and prevented Poison and Spring Water from generating in Origin Valley, the Promised Land and the Nether Build 278: aarongauntlett: Fixed pixie placement Build 277: Catcwe316: Added Pixie Jars Build 276: Catcwe316: Made Ambrosia crafting recipe use pixie dust instead of dandelions Build 275: Catcwe316: Fixed achievement bug (I think) Build 274: Catcwe316: Prevented underground liquid poison/spring water lakes from generating in the Origin Valley, Nether, and Promised Land Build 273: Catcwe316: Added pixie trail particles that keep crashing Build 272: Adubbz: Tweaked magic leaves Build 271: Adubbz: Added the awesomest magic particles ever Build 270: Catcwe316: Made pixies "glow" Build 269: Catcwe316: Tried to add particles for magic leaves Build 268: смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang Build 267: Catcwe316: Finished adding Pixies Build 266: Catcwe316: Added Pixie model and texture Build 265: Catcwe316: Tweaked some biome heights Build 264: Catcwe316: Fixed "Achivements O' Plenty" achievement Build 263: Catcwe316: Achievement tweaks Build 262: Adubbz: Update build.xml Build 261: Catcwe316: Made empty jars able to scoop up honey Build 260: Adubbz: Fixed a bug with colorised leaves Build 259: Adubbz: Split up the colorised leaves into separate ids (hopefully) Catcwe316: Fixed world gen for new leaves Build 257: Adubbz: Hopefully switched tree leaves to separate IDS Build 256: Catcwe316: Added additional leaf block IDs Build 255: Adubbz: Simplified block registration and added item registration Build 254: Adubbz: Removed the license from the repo for the time being, it's still in the Readme and forum post however Build 253: Adubbz: HTML Build 252: Adubbz: License Build 251: Adubbz: Updated license Build 250: Adubbz: Updated "Update available" message to better reflect what it actually means Build 249: Catcwe316: Tweaked Wasteland biome Build 248: amnet: Update Build 247: Catcwe316: Tweaked Ambrosia, changed how you obtain the ??? music disc Build 246: Adubbz: Updated Build 245: Catcwe316: Added clover leaf patches, add jars, tweaked food Vexatos: So many allusions in the new achievements :O Adubbz: Update build.xml Catcwe316: Added chunk of flesh, fixed jars Catcwe316: Added Ambrosia drink Adubbz: Updated Forge and WorldCore Build 238: Catcwe316: Added Sublime Shrubland biome to Promised Land, fixed violet generation Build 237: Catcwe316: Reorganized block and item IDs Build 236: Catcwe316: Tweaked some textures Build 235: Catcwe316: More tweaking Build 234: Catcwe316: Moved gem items to a new class/ID, added honeycomb items/crafting Build 233: Catcwe316: Even more achievement tweaks Build 232: Catcwe316: More work on achievements Build 231: Catcwe316: Started reworking achievements Build 230: amnet: Fixing MFR Integration. Build 229: Catcwe316: More cleaning Build 228: Adubbz: Adios Soul Crap! Build 227: Catcwe316: Tweaked gem textures Build 226: Vexatos: Updated de_DE.lang Build 225: Catcwe316: New decorative gem block textures Build 224: Catcwe316: New textures for gems Build 223: Catcwe316: Made leather armor protect you from deathblooms, burning blossoms, thorns, and tiny cacti Catcwe316: Changed some biome heights amnet: Update Catcwe316: Added appropriate "colors" for all of the biomes Catcwe316: Tweaked biome "colors" Catcwe316: Tweaked ocean biome "colors" amnet: Nerfed drops for gems. Build 216: Adubbz: Updated WorldCore Build 215: Adubbz: Fixed derp in dependancies file Build 214: Adubbz: Updated build file and dependancies Build 213: Adubbz: Updated Build 212: Catcwe316: New cloud generation Build 211: Catcwe316: Tweaked the Mystic Grove water color Build 210: Catcwe316: Gave roots a random offset Build 209: Catcwe316: Promised Land tweaks Build 208: Catcwe316: Tweaked bird texture Build 207: Catcwe316: Made Rosesters place roses where they walk Build 206: смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang Build 205: Adubbz: Attempted to get birds to avoid water Build 204: Catcwe316: Tweaked bird wing flapping Build 203: Adubbz: Bird wings now flap Build 202: Catcwe316: Updated bird settings Build 201: Catcwe316: Updated bird AI Build 200: Adubbz: Updated the Build 199: Catcwe316: Started on the bird mob Build 198: Catcwe316: Tweaked reed gen a bit Build 197: Catcwe316: Added stalagmites and stalactites Build 196: amnet: Fixing issue #113. Build 195: Catcwe316: Added bird model and texture Build 194: Adubbz: Removed DepLoader. Forstride: Do the same thing as you do with FMP to get it to stop erroring Build 193: Adubbz: You saw nothing Build 192: Adubbz: Why did you do it? We know it was you. Build 191: Adubbz: And more build file crap! Adubbz: Build file paradise! Catcwe316: Renamed Apatite to Malachite Adubbz: Queue the circus music! Adubbz: The acrobats are coming out! Adubbz: Ah yes. Aren't they wonderful? Next act. Adubbz: That is the last act? Oh... Build 184: Catcwe316: Tweaked root texture Build 183: Catcwe316: Added a root plant Build 182: Adubbz: More build file nonsense Build 181: Adubbz: Messing with the build file Build 180: Adubbz: DepLoader is now loaded properly... Oops... Build 179: Adubbz: Now using Azanor's file Build 178: Adubbz: Switched to using WorldCore Adubbz: Toying with Deploader Adubbz: Temporarily added Worldcore as an API Build 175: Catcwe316: Added Jacaranda trees to the Mystic Grove Build 174: amnet: Fixed ATG Integration crash. Build 173: Catcwe316: Fixed Amnet's derp Build 172: amnet: Fixing the inconsistent biome maps. Build 171: Catcwe316: Redesigned the Mystic Grove Build 170: Catcwe316: Redesigned the Fungi Forest Build 169: Catcwe316: Tweaked more biome fog color/thickness stuff Build 168: Adubbz: Fixed a derp Build 167: Adubbz: Tinkering Build 166: Catcwe316: Fixed fog closeness values Build 165: Adubbz: Removed debug messages Build 164: Adubbz: Fogginess can now be changed per biome alongside the colour Build 163: Catcwe316: Stuff Build 162: Adubbz: Reduced the smoothing area a bit to be in line with the water, should also increase performance a tiny bit Build 161: Adubbz: Fixed the crafting of wooden slabs and stairs Build 160: Adubbz: Fixed a crash bug Build 159: Adubbz: Added some missing biomes to the ATG integration Adubbz: Fog colours can now be on a per-biome basis Build 158: смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang Build 157: Catcwe316: Added separate ring textures for the rest of the logs Build 156: Catcwe316: Made honey give slowness upon contact Build 155: Catcwe316: Made hives a bit more common Build 154: Catcwe316: Added filled honeycombs Build 153: Catcwe316: Added honey block generation to hives Build 152: Vexatos: Update de_DE.lang Build 151: Catcwe316: Moved the honey block to its own class Build 150: Catcwe316: Added a hurt sound for the wasp Build 149: Adubbz: Fixed wasp hurt highlighting Build 148: Catcwe316: Fixed wasp size Build 147: Catcwe316: Fixed up hive generation yet again Build 146: Catcwe316: Fixed the honey liquid Build 145: Catcwe316: Made honey a finite liquid Build 144: Catcwe316: Added empty honeycombs Build 143: Catcwe316: Added hive sub-blocks, tweaked hive generation Build 142: Catcwe316: Changed how wasp spawners generate Build 141: Adubbz: Added wasp spawners, made wasp movement more random and frequent Build 140: Catcwe316: Added honey Build 139: Catcwe316: Added honey generation to the hives (Using water for now) Build 138: Catcwe316: Added wasp spawning Build 137: Catcwe316: Removed the Hellish Hive biome, added textures for things Build 136: Catcwe316: Organized the hive generation a bit Build 135: Catcwe316: Attempt at fixing hive placement Build 134: Catcwe316: Made hives look nicer Build 133: Catcwe316: Fixed up hive generation Build 132: Catcwe316: Added "The Hive" biome to the Nether Build 131: Catcwe316: Updated wasp entity settings Build 130: Adubbz: Finished off wasps Build 129: Adubbz: Basic bee modelling done, now onto the AI Build 128: Catcwe316: Tweaked wasp texture Build 127: Adubbz: Hives now fit into the landscape better Build 126: Adubbz: Simplified hive generation Build 125: Catcwe316: Added wasp model and texture Adubbz: Toying with hive generation Catcwe316: Fixed wasp model Adubbz: Fixed errors with Forstride's wasp model Build 121: Catcwe316: Added Hive blocks Build 120: amnet: Fixed ocean generation. Added new Terrain Gen option. Build 119: Catcwe316: Added Bloody Heap biome to the Nether Build 118: Adubbz: Purified grass no longer burns infinitely outside the Nether. Build 117: amnet: Fix for issue #100. Build 116: смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang Build 115: Adubbz: Accounted for ATG in the "Use Biomes O' Plenty world type" nag message. Localization peeps, you have a new phrase to localize :P Build 114: Adubbz: The ATG integration now respects whether or not a biome is enabled in our config file Build 113: Adubbz: Let's ditch those capitals Adubbz: Done ditching Build 112: Adubbz: Re-added MFR API Adubbz: Updated and Re-added MFR Integration Build 111: amnet: Added ATG Integration. Build 110: Catcwe316: Changed the icon for the Sacred Springs achievement Build 109: amnet: Fixing the sacred oak sapling tree gen. Build 108: Catcwe316: Added Koru world gen Build 107: Catcwe316: Added Koru fern Build 106: Catcwe316: Updated persimmon leaf textures for Better Grass & Leaves Build 105: смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang Build 104: Adubbz: Nag messages can now be translated. Closes #101 Build 103: смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang Build 102: Adubbz: Added transformer exclusion Build 101: Adubbz: Another attempt at fixing the sided asm issues Build 100: Adubbz: Fixed a few deeps Build 99: Adubbz: Finished moving achievement localizations Build 98: Adubbz: More localisation moving Build 97: Adubbz: Moved some more achievement localizations Build 96: Adubbz: Started moving achievement localizations into the lang file Build 95: Adubbz: Another attempt at fixing server nonsense Build 94: Adubbz: Hopefully fixed an issue with servers Build 93: Adubbz: Tweaked the build file Build 92: Adubbz: Fast graphics no longer use the new smoothing Build 91: Adubbz: Removed debug messages as it works properly now Build 90: Adubbz: Added Picksur's Better Grass and Leaves textures for Persimmons Build 89: Adubbz: Added debug console output and more messing with obfuscated names Build 88: Adubbz: Yay for forgetting to account for things! Build 87: Adubbz: More mapping corrections Build 86: Adubbz: Fixed obfuscated mappings Build 85: Adubbz: Tweaked the Manifest.MF Build 84: Adubbz: Foliage, Grass and Water biome colours now smoothly transition from one biome to another. This smoothness is 100% configurable and is separate for each type (One value for Foliage, one for Grass and one for Water). Build 83: Adubbz: Spring cleaning Build 82: Adubbz: Completely ripped out the MFR API as it is no longer needed (BOP integration is now in MFR itself) Build 81: amnet: Hopefully fixing the phantoms suffocating players in walls. Build 80: amnet: Added a possibility to disable mobs. Build 79: amnet: Disabled MFR and TE mod cross integration to prevent crashes. Build 78: Vexatos: You know. Build 77: amnet: Updating Thaumcraft API to the newest version. Build 76: samrg472: Restore compatibility with MFR, fixes #86 Build 75: amnet: Updated ore dictionary entries for mod cross integration. Build 74: Catcwe316: Fixed palm trees not generating in spaces with foliage/flowers. Made sunflowers not generate unless both spaces are empty. Build 73: Catcwe316: Tweaked the Tropics more Build 72: Adubbz: Increased Phantom spawn rates Build 71: Catcwe316: Tweaked the Tropics biome Build 70: meatkroket: Random palm trees Build 69: meatkroket: Random pine trees Build 68: Catcwe316: Added a Sacred Oak sapling Build 67: Catcwe316: Fixed massive tree trunks again Build 66: Catcwe316: Fixed tree trunks Build 65: Catcwe316: Attempt as massive oak trees Build 64: Catcwe316: Tweaked some achievement icons Build 63: Catcwe316: Tweaked the Wasteland a bit and changed max/min height of the Marsh Build 62: Catcwe316: Made reeds generate based on the distance to land rather than the depth of the water Build 61: Catcwe316: Tweaked reed gen again. Removed sand bordering water in the Coniferous Forest. Build 60: Catcwe316: Added reeds to more biomes Build 59: Catcwe316: Redwood Forest tweaks Build 58: Catcwe316: Added a redwood shrub thing to Redwood Forests Build 57: Vexatos: Update de_DE.lang Build 56: Adubbz: Revert "Test run of a new version checker for Forge" This reverts commit df2a2c78d0081f34ae9f8f79021d876fc0a2aa85. Build 55: Adubbz: Test run of a new version checker for Forge Build 54: смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.lang Build 53: Adubbz: Switched to the vanilla localisation system. Note to localisation helpers: I did already convert all of the current localizations, however i can't guarantee i haven't stuffed anything up by mistake. If i have, feel free to submit a pull request. Build 52: Adubbz: Updated version.txt Build 51: amnet: Added checks for Forge version to fix serverside crashes. Build 50: amnet: Backwards compatibility to 1.6.2. Build 49: Adubbz: Version.txt update Build 48: Catcwe316: Tweaked bamboo textures Build 47: Adubbz: New bamboo rendering Build 46: Adubbz: Updated the version number Build 45: Catcwe316: Removed short grass from the Marsh Build 44: Adubbz: Herpaderp Build 43: Adubbz: Corrected the latest build number Build 42: Catcwe316: Tweaked reed item texture Build 41: Adubbz: Another tweak to the change log Build 40: Adubbz: Another attempt at cutting out the author Catcwe316: Tweaked reed gen further Adubbz: More toying with change logs Build 37: Adubbz: Tried to remove commit authors from the change log Build 36: Catcwe316: Tweaked reed gen Build 34: Adubbz: Readded the change log to play with Build 33: Catcwe316: Added reed gen Build 32: Adubbz: New versioning scheme kids Build 31: Adubbz: Updated the change log Build 30: Adubbz: Fixed crash bug with reeds Build 29: Adubbz: Take 2 at reeds Build 28: Catcwe316: Changed reeds to river cane, started adding proper reeds Adubbz: Fixed reed rendering Build 27: Catcwe316: Added mud to Marshes Build 26: Adubbz: Readded the BOP Api as well as the dev build Build 25: Adubbz: Removed the change log Build 24: Catcwe316: Tweaked some textures Build 23: Catcwe316: Added wheat grass and damp grass to biomes that didn't have them Build 22: смирнов антон михайлович: Update ru_RU.xml Build 21: Adubbz: Added some missing files to the dev version Build 20: Adubbz: Take 2 at dev builds Adubbz: Fixing derpiness Build 18: Adubbz: Began work on creating a dev build rather than an API Adubbz: Attempt to fix recompiling Adubbz: Temporarily scrapped the dev build Build 15: Vexatos: Updated de_DE.xml Build 14: Adubbz: Added change log generation Build 10: Adubbz: Borrowed Forge's change log script Build 6: Adubbz: Added the BiomesOPlenty API to the build script Adubbz: Updated build.xml