Changelog: Build 860: cpw: Log4j2 logging context for things. This should help add context when things go wrong in mods. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Name the log files properly. fml-junk is an early startup annoyance I can't kill because log4j2. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Log the bad packet in a prettier way. Also, don't show the authlib debug data in the log file. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Add in error logging for outbound messages. Fix bug with indexedcodec NPE cpw: Fix derp with networkcheck cpw: And turn down some more logging, now we have useful logging back again.. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fix log4j2 config. Fix server gui to *show* logging. Fix log spamminess in the console. Fix bug in servergui that can cause deadlock. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fix reply handling. Make the proxy message available for subclasses of indexedcodec. Fire user events into the network event firing. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Clean up and document outbound handler a bit better. Add in dispatcher target. Closes #361 Build 1.7.2- cpw: Add in example assets dir. Closes #308 Build 1.7.2- rainwarrior: Propagate Optional method removal to trait implementation classes Build 1.7.2- AbrarSyed: Logging Changes sacabrarsyed: changed fml log level to all sacabrarsyed: put max number of FML log files to 3 cpw: And restore suppressions. ABRAR, DON'T TIDY CODE!!!! Build 1.7.2- cpw: Make sidedproxy support non-public fields. Closes #344 Build 1.7.2- cpw: Try and stop the epic channel closed spam at close time. Closes #353 Build 1.7.2- cpw: findBlock should now return null, not the default block, if the thing being looked for is not found. Closes #352 Build 1.7.2- cpw: Allow connection when server is apparently offline. Might allow :NOFML circumvention though. Hmmm. Closes #359 Build 1.7.2- cpw: Check the mod, not it's container, in the check handler. Closes #358 Build 1.7.2- cpw: Allow indexed messages to validate themselves. Also, catch exceptions from an embedded channel, and cause them to close the connection. It's ugly, but it means that the client doesn't crash if it connects to a screwy bungycord that's trying a 1.6 handshake for some reason. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Add a type adapter for artifact version. Should fix #354 Build 1.7.2- jk-5: Throw an exception when discriminator is not found Build 1.7.2- jk-5: Make NetworkEventFiringHandler sharable Fixes #356 Build 1.7.2- cpw: SSP Worlds updating from 1.6 will now pop a warning message before loading, and will capture a timestamped zip file in the minecraft dir before starting to load. Allows for people to test updates. Build 1.7.2- LexManos: Move placement of single player world load hook to fix NPEs. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fix NPE at startup cpw: Fix memory leak?! Build 1.7.2- cpw: Clean up some warnings about @Override Build 1.7.2- cpw: Make UniqueIdentifier final and add a hashCode. Closes #348 Clean up language registry. It can be used to access all translations of mods on client or server. Auto loads from assets files. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Put logging exception handlers on all channel inbounds. Fix problem with failure to login. Closes #350 Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fire a custom packet channel registration/deregistration event, for any mods that care about that kind of thing Build 1.7.2- cpw: Some fixes and tweaks cpw: Clean up some warnings. Add in simple network impl cpw: Add in some tests and examples for the "simple" network stuff cpw: Fix bug with SSP, and hook so we can do confirmation of world loading, as well as other things Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fix bukkit connectivity issue. Build 1.7.2- LexManos: Added basic Mojang account authentication support for development time login. Build 1.7.2- jezzadabomb: At the request of AbrarSyed. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fix possible NPE derp cpw: Divert connection through FML, so we can deny connections to servers that don't want us Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fix up privacy derp in TickEvent. Closes #343 Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fix openGui. Closes #342 Build 1.7.2- cpw: Add in a simple(ish) event driven network handling system. Register using newEventDrivenChannel and you'll get a simple network handler that will fire events at the subscriber(s) of your choice, whenever a packet is received. You'll also get some convenience methods for sending to things. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fix potential ordering issue, clean up some imports Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fix the keybinding array to the right one cpw: Fix TargetPoint to be static jake: added override toString method for getting full name. jake: changed the readme to reflect new setup task. jake: undid readme change cpw: Fix csv string vs list of strings. Thanks immibis. Closes #334 Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fix problem with connecting to vanilla. SHOW what's modded and what's vanilla in the list. Hooks that make the blocking work to come Build 1.7.2- LexManos: Mark jopt needed on the server, herp derp, blame Abrar! Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fix stupid hardcoding derp Build 1.7.2- cpw: Add a utility method for finding the channel handler name based on type. Should fix naming weirdnesses. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Added transparent background for GuiIngameModOptions as per cpw's request. May not compile due to manual de-mcp-fication. cpw: Fix up readmes and credits. We no longer support modloader. cpw: Tweaks Joe Amenta: Avoiding redundant calls to LogManager cpw: Fix up mcpname derp in GuiScrollingList. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Config GUIs in the modlist now work. Build 1.7.2- ohai.iChun: Fix button size for GuiModList cpw: Tweak button positions. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Starting work on the actual GUI. Still work to do. Needs an API. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fix derpiness with Mods button when Realms is available Build 1.7.2- cpw: Lots of network cleanup. Gui packets now work too! Build 1.7.2- cpw: Expose the nethandler in a few places, and pull out FMLEmbeddedChannel, exposing a utility method on it. More to come. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Add in the tweakclass, fix the json for lzma @ the server. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Allow itemstacks for furnace recipe inputs. Allow passing extra arguments through registerblock into the itemblock constructor. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fire simple network connect/disconnect gameevents. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fix example mod code for 1.7 Build 1.7.2- cpw: Make gradlew executable on linux cpw: Attempt to load old pre-1.7 worlds. ENSURE YOU HAVE A BACKUP! Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fix handling world reloads when new stuffs are added cpw: Update render registry cpw: AT for renderblocks Build 1.7.2- LexManos: Add 1.7.2 base json, Gradle will automatically download updated versions of this. Keeping it in the repo allows us to see what base json we have built our jsons off of. And if it changes update accordingly. Build 1.7.2- cpw: Fix handshaking properly. Also, fix ID syncup. It now will completely freeze the idmap after preinit. This frozen map is used to inject "new" stuff into existing serverside worlds. Interesting sideeffect: remote servers lacking things will change the client, to also LACK ids for those things. watch for -1 ids in your remap events. Note: idmaps should be considered temporary per server instance. SERVERSTOPPED will restore "startup" state, as will client logout. Build 1.7.2-..794.794: cpw: Step 1: The Purge cpw: Step 2: The Reformation cpw: Step 3: The Rebirth cpw: Publish to repo folder for local testing. cpw: Add gradle wrapper cpw: Include eclipse template workspace, for packaging in src distro. cpw: Move to install to not clutter root directory with the .bat and .sh files I know are coming. cpw: added src distribution gradle file cpw: Fix license and naming cpw: Change the build to capture an MCP version, also, tweak the sources so mavenLocal can be used for ForgeGradle sacabrarsyed: Update 1.6.4-rel.json LexManos: Join the developers list in the pom and fix the client run configs in the workspace. cpw: First pass : kill modloader, clean up warnings cpw: Deprecation cleanup. Bye bye more modloader stuffs cpw: Remove all public all the time from Minecraft. It is unnecessary with ModLoader gone. DEAL WITH IT. File AT public requests, make a coremod, whatever. This needed to die. cpw: Kill more references to modloader. pahimar: Add in null protection for client/server sides of handleChat cpw: Don't try and open GUIs on the server. cpw: Way to go, missing import. *sigh* cpw: Actually do it correctly. Should be more forge friendly now. AbrarSyed: updated samples LexManos: Make the working directory the root of the eclipse workspace. LexManos: Don't validate signatures in dev env. sacabrarsyed: fix derp in example builscript cpw: Pass 1: Most patches are restored. NOTES: 1. Network is completely broken. 2. GameRegistry is partially broken. 3. ID sync is not in. cpw: Update gitignore cpw: The basic network handshaking for FML is done. All scenarios seem to work. cpw: A network design I like. It uses the netty embedded channel to allow mods to build channel pipelines on top of custom payload packets. cpw: Check in patches. Add in some network timeout tweaking values so you can debug the network. cpw: More cleanup. Bidirectional server <-> client network works for mods as well as FML|HS now. cpw: OK, network channels appear to be working well for both dedi and integrated servers. The beginnings of the new mod structure too. cpw: More network stuff, partially done id syncing. cpw: ID loading from the server save now works. LexManos: Add sonatype snapshots repo for SpecialSource snapshots. LexManos: Add mappings for Items/Blocks fields. LexManos: Update for fixed Enum cleaning and names. LexManos: Did it manually, forgot it needed the end comma cpw: ID syncing. cpw: Cleanups cpw: Add in a remapping event for mods to consume. cpw: Fixed remote and local connections work with mods now. cpw: Entity spawning works. cpw: SpawnAdjustment packet. Clean up stuffs. No more compile errors. cpw: Fix stupid possible compiler error. cpw: Fix the exc file. Fix the deobfremapper for handling inner classes. cpw: Fix exc this time *sigh* cpw: Clean up patches for latest exc. LexManos: Kill old patches and add rejects to ignore file. cpw: Fix AT, Fix exc. Almost works now! cpw: First functional release under reobfuscation. sacabrarsyed: Update shiped ForgeGradle for 1.7 LexManos: Rename synthetic bridge methods, these methods are not decompiled, but need to reobf correctly cross the recompile boundary. cpw: Some patching touchups cpw: Update for log4j2 cpw: Copy eventhandler from Forge into FML. It is going to replace a lot of the runtime event systems. cpw: Patch some GUIs. We're gonna add some basic mod gui config support. cpw: Fire a user event down the channels when a handshake has occured. cpw: Ticks, Player events, keybindings, all migrated to the new event driven system. cpw: Code to disable mods at runtime, or other times. cpw: ICraftingHandler, IPickupHandler are now both events. cpw: IWorldGenerator now has an ordering at registration time. This means the order of worldgen should be much more stable. LexManos: Update patches for Gradle's rename rewrite: MinecraftForge/ForgeGradle@19e7acf2a27a6c6ae60f6e8ab38337defddc16d3 cpw: Working on id missing handling cpw: More tweaking on id stuffs at worldload cpw: bump to legacy launcher 1.9 with logging unification stuffs. LexManos: Add new required --accessToken to launch specs. cpw: Fix build script Build 6.4.41 (master): cpw: Add in the ability to strip interface references for specific interfaces - this is probably mostly useful for scala scenarios where sythetic methods are generated and is not a substitute for using Optional.Method where appropriate. Closes #300 Build 6.4.40 (master): cpw: Change a couple of warnings, as a prelude to 1.7- preinit is now required for all GameRegistry activity, and every item and block REQUIRES registration. Build 6.4.39 (master): cpw: Fix derp with custom properties. They work now! Build 6.4.38 (master): cpw: Fix recursive API dependency resolution. Allows nested APIs, such as BuildCraft's Build 6.4.37 (master): cpw: Fix up duplicate entries Build 6.4.36 (master): cpw: Attempt to inject coremods as tweakers, so both can share a dependency ordering cpw: Add in an API marker for API type packages. This does several things: 1. Packages marked as API will generate a new "modid" (the provides) that can be depended on. 2. Packages marked as API will be searched systemwide, and anything declaring that package (even without the API marker) will get an implicit dependency on the API package. 3. The API package itself will get a soft dependency on the "owner" package. @Optional elements can refer to the API packages instead of a concrete mod as well. Build 6.4.34 (master): cpw: Wrapping coremods as tweakers. Part 1. Build 6.4.33 (master): cpw: Modify ordering of networkmod registration and mod instantiation. This fixes VersionCheckHandler logging an incorrect failure message due to NPE. cpw: Fix up documentation of VersionCheckHandler - it only ever accepted a String and only works on the NetworkMod annotated class Build 6.4.31 (master): LexManos: Make each mod's EventBus log a child of it's main logger. Build 6.4.30 (master): cpw: Fix up handling the new method signature data for NetworkCheckHandlers Build 6.4.29 (master): cpw: Use null to empty, so missing values work. *sigh* Build 6.4.28 (master): cpw: Primitive capability for tweakers to order. Add a "TweakOrder" integer property to your manifest, or accept the default of zero. Build 6.4.27 (master): kevin.ji: Very minor style fixes Replacing tabs with spaces consistently, making brace styles consistent, etc. Build 6.4.25 (master): cpw: Support, and fix up, interface lists for Optional Build 6.4.24 (master): LexManos: Delay sound system backend initalization to speed up startup and prevent race condition on some computers. Build 6.4.23 (master): cpw: Optional shouldn't be constructable itself. It's purely a wrapper thing. cpw: ModLoader is officially deprecated. It will all cease to be with 1.7. Build 6.4.21 (master): cpw: Add in support for Optional interfaces and methods. Be gone coremods! Build 6.4.20 (master): cpw: Fix null killing the server Build 6.4.19 (master): LexManos: Fix md5s for new checksums.sha1 in scala libraries. Build 6.4.18 (master): cpw: Attempt at a shared modlist implementation - should allow visibility between liteloader and fml for "mod list display" Build 6.4.17 (master): cpw: Cross-modsystem compatibility fix with thanks to Mumfrey @ liteloader Build 6.4.16 (master): cpw: Add to both the classloader and the parent Build 6.4.15 (master): cpw: Fix deobf tweaker Build 6.4.14 (master): cpw: TYPOS!!! Build 6.4.13 (master): cpw: Separate deobf tweaker so it runs last. Should fix problems with cascaded tweakers expecting an obf environment. Build 6.4.12 (master): cpw: Add debugging for deobfuscation Add negative caching for field and method maps. Should shortcut some work Fix handling the case where a class doesn't exist, but still needs deobf Ask the patch manager for the bytes for the class, not the classLoader Fix up some more places where we should look for a patched class Fix problem with empty source classes and runtime deobfuscation cpw: Use the negative cache in latest legacylauncher. cpw: Update for launchwrapper 1.8 Build 6.4.9 (master): LexManos: Update to new installer that uses xz compression and better support for non-standard jvms Build 6.4.8 (master): cpw: And use the parent that's actually going to be valid. *sigh* Build 6.4.7 (master): cpw: Herpaderp. Make addURL accessible. *sigh* Build 6.4.6 (master): cpw: Fix injection of tweaker into system Build 6.4.5 (master): smcv-mcmod: Fix NPE when loading second single-player world After leaving a single-player world, getServer() can return null, resulting in the stack trace below, "Fatal errors were detected during the transition from SERVER_STOPPING to SERVER_ABOUT_TO_START", "The ForgeModLoader state engine has become corrupted" and the client getting stuck forever. Exception in thread "Server thread" java.lang.NullPointerException at cpw.mods.fml.client.FMLClientHandler.serverStopped( at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.handleServerStopped( at at Build 6.4.3 (master): cpw: Fix classpath for launchwrapper 1.7 Build 6.4.2 (master): cpw: Update workspaces for 1.6.4 Build 6.4.1 (master): cpw: Fix up a deep crash in the early server init hanging the client Build 6.4.0 (master): cpw: Update for MC 1.6.4 Build 6.3.4 (master): LexManos: Make final transformers actually work on methods as well. Build 6.3.3 (master): cpw: Format the log messages through MessageFormat. Thanks CovertJaguar for the pointer. Closes #282 Build 6.3.2 (master): LexManos: Update the src distro's eclipse workspace. Build 6.3.1 (master): cpw: Update tweaker for new Launcher API cpw: Update for pre-ninja 1.6.3 update cpw: Update for real 1.6.3 update cpw: Update mcp mod info cpw: Update mc_versions data and commands patch and eclipse workspace Build 6.2.63 (master): cpw: Update for new installer and thank you. Build 6.2.62 (master): cpw: Add in support for using a mirror list and provide checksums for packed download of libs Build 6.2.61 (master): cpw: Fix sidedness derp in LanguageRegistry. Build 6.2.60 (master): cpw: Remove @SideOnly from 70318 (getDistance) it makes no sense that it's not on the server. cpw: Update MCP data Build 6.2.58 (master): cpw: Use java 1.6 compatible method of closing the zip file. Stops stupid compile error. Build 6.2.57 (master): cpw: Allow coremods to properly inject asset readers. cpw: Allow server side lang file injection, hopefully Build 6.2.55 (master): cpw: More exception handling for less derpiness. Build 6.2.54 (master): cpw: Try and use the relaunch log, which should be classloaded.. cpw: Reset the IWorldGenerator seed for each mod, before calling. That should mean worldgen is consistent and not dependent on mod ordering, or mod sideeffects. Build 6.2.52 (master): cpw: Fix up scala refs, for better results Build 6.2.51 (master): cpw: Check keys, not values *sigh* Build 6.2.50 (master): cpw: And more coremod logging Build 6.2.49 (master): cpw: Add in some log information Build 6.2.48 (master): cpw: And actually instantiate the collection *sigh* Build 6.2.47 (master): cpw: Add in "FMLCorePluginContainsMod" in the manifest. If this value is present, FML will attempt to parse your mod jar file as a normal mod file as well, instantiating mod containers there. Build 6.2.46 (master): cpw: Clean up a couple of resources. Also, don't parse jars just because they're in the mods dir Build 6.2.45 (master): cpw: Make sure we only add args to the argument list if a tweaker hasn't already. Should fix LiteLoader compatibility issue. Build 6.2.44 (master): cpw: Fix stupid derp is stupid. Closes #275 and means sp614x can do his thing Build 6.2.43 (master): LexManos: Update installer. Build 6.2.42 (master): bo: Fixed not passing arguments to Build 6.2.40 (master): i: Add missing SideOnly in BaseMod NetClientHandler exists only on client side and thus method using it should be annotated with SideOnly. Build 6.2.38 (master): cpw: Add in some reverse lookup methods for game registry data Build 6.2.37 (master): cpw: Temporarily add a version of '' that will resolve complex reobfuscation graph issues with specialsource. Copy it over '' in the mcp runtime dir. Hopefully will have an MCP/specialsource fix in the coming days. Build 6.2.36 (master): cpw: Fix keybindings being derped Build 6.2.35 (master): LexManos: Use json 2.9.1 nightly for OSX in release json like vanilla does. Build 6.2.34 (master): LexManos: Stupid spaces and windows escaping -.- Build 6.2.33 (master): LexManos: Add quotes for paths with spaces -.- Build 6.2.32 (master): LexManos: Use a temporary file for recompile's command line to combat command length to long issues. Build 6.2.31 (master): LexManos: Fix potential NPE in villager skin registry. Build 6.2.30 (master): LexManos: Fix server launching. Build 6.2.29 (master): cpw: Fix logo handling. no more NPE if the logo can't be found. Also, fix location of mcp logo now. Build 6.2.28 (master): cpw: Fix up jar sanity check code. FML validation of the jar works now and doesn't derp classloading. Build 6.2.27 (master): cpw: Force a global asset scan prior to mod construction : you should be able to reference assets anywhere in your mod now. cpw: Fix up logos in the mod screen. Clean up some unnecessary casts and suppressions, use the -debug asm library at dev time, since it contains full symbols and code in compiled form. LexManos: Kill mcp's truncate method, for more useful logs. LexManos: Kill release time scala libraries, to be re-evaluated after all movement is done and shit is fixed. May require manual instalation for mods that use scala. cpw: Coremods now have a primitive dependency capability. Also, we search mods dir for special "TweakClass" manifests. These are using the vanilla tweak mechanism to inject into Minecraft. Helpful for other "platform" systems, when you don't want to have to deal with json changes! LexManos: Update build and eclipse workspaces for debug asm. LexManos: Update Forge signature for new private key cpw: The server.classpath generates the runtime manifest, so it needs the non-debug asm jars. Build 6.2.19 (master): cpw: Update FML for new stealth update for 1.6.2 Build 6.2.18 (master): captain_shadows: @InstanceFactory was set to look for Fields instead of methods "fix it" to now match the javadoc :P if it was set like that so modders wouldn't use it, it might be better to just say so in the documentation Build 6.2.16 (master): LexManos: Disable signature check of client for now, it's broken. cpw: Decode the file URL. Hopefully will make things work more.. cpw: And don't forget to remove the test code Build 6.2.13 (master): LexManos: Add MC Version to installed version name. LexManos: Don't validate signatures on servers, they are not signed. LexManos: Temporarily disable GuiModList's Mod logos. Build 6.2.10 (master): LexManos: Fix NPE in new debug line when patch targets don't exist. Build 6.2.9 (master): cpw: Don't initialize the server. Build 6.2.8 (master): cpw: FML now verifies that the minecraft jar is correct and intact. This is intended to discourage those who think that modifying the minecraft jar is still acceptable. Build 6.2.7 (master): cpw: Test server-siding ResourceLocation Build 6.2.6 (master): cpw: The game is going to exit in face of patch mismatch, unless you force it to run with fml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies in the system properties. Build 6.2.5 (master): LexManos: Update eclipse workspaces for 1.6.2 cpw: Tweak debug data on patched classes cpw: We now generate an adler32 checksum for each patched file and verify at load time that they match. Mismatch won't crash, but will emit a big warning.. cpw: Update for stealth update. Thanks mojang! Build 6.2.1 (master): cpw: Update for 1.6.2 and MCP 8.04 cpw: Add the jsons for 1.6.2 Build 6.1.39 (master): cpw: Add cascadedTweaks. This will allow simple coexistence for any other mod framework using the tweaker system as well. Hi Voxel and LiteLoader! Build 6.1.38 (master): jeffreykog: Update Build 6.1.36 (master): cpw: Update mcp data. fixes #248 Build 6.1.35 (master): cpw: Fix coremod injection into main system. Should stop double-dipping coremods. Build 6.1.34 (master): LexManos: Move Resource refreshing until affter postInit. Build 6.1.33 (master): LexManos: Fix missing argument and startclient/startserver support. Build 6.1.32 (master): LexManos: Add deobf-data to setup env. LexManos: Fix eclipse workspaces and launch configurations. LexManos: Update to new MCP bugfix version, Fixes: Missing Armor/Item rendering, and Boss health mapping issues. Build 6.1.29 (master): cpw: Fix up some deprecation warnings, and clean up coremod code that's going away. cpw: More javadoc cleanup cpw: Add in support for mods/ as a mod location. Also drop coremods as a location. They go in mods too now. cpw: Update key Build 6.1.25 (master): cpw: Revert "Keep these on our servers until the launcher is actually fixed -.-" This reverts commit f1b533ad87ea08d6e62259c59779bcec1636e2fe. Build 6.1.24 (master): jrtc27: Fixed ClassCastException when loading ModLoader mods cpw: Fix transformer search Build 6.1.21 (master): cpw: Resource packs, part two. FML mods are now resource packs. Vanilla will scan anything under 'assets' and turn it into a resource prefix. Use resourcelocations to look stuff up. Build 6.1.20 (master): LexManos: Keep these on our servers until the launcher is actually fixed -.- Build 6.1.19 (master): cpw: Mods are now loaded as resource packs. Vanilla will scan for valid prefixes based on subdirs of 'assets' which can then be referenced as ResourceLocations with the ":path" notation. cpw: Remember to update your patches!!!! Build 6.1.17 (master): cpw: Fix EventHandler annotation. Build 6.1.16 (master): LexManos: Point scala downloads to our servers, Launcher doesn't like standard maven repos. cpw: Fix -rel json Build 6.1.14 (master): cpw: Update json samples cpw: Fix up release JSON LexManos: Fix json syntax error. Build 6.1.11 (master): LexManos: Add FML Installer logo crated by @ZaverSLO LexManos: Build installer package for the new client launcher. Build 6.1.9 (master): LexManos: Revert common folder fix, Common folder does nothing, feel free to delete it after first load. Build 6.1.8 (master): LexManos: Fix src distrabution, and got rid of pesky common folder in eclipse workspace. src is now installable. Build 6.1.7 (master): LexManos: Upgraded minecraft downloader to work with new launcher's asset/library system New parameter: --no-assets: Disables the downloading of minecraft's asset tree, recomended that build servers supply this flag to prevent downloading of useless data. LexManos: Add filter support for MCPMerger, and filter out libraries from the server's 'fat jar'. cpw: Ignore binpatch cpw: Fixes, so it builds again.. cpw: Changed to the EventHandler annotation universally, documentation and stuff. cpw: First cut of runtime binary patching. Needs some work to actually test it in a real scenario.. cpw: Server side tested and working. Setup is complex atm. That will change. cpw: More tweaks cpw: Merge in binpatch and use launcher cpw: More fixups for new launcher model cpw: Fix build script. Add a sample JSON file. You'll need the newest Launcher code to run this. cpw: No more debug please LexManos: Upgraded minecraft downloader to work with new launcher's asset/library system New parameter: --no-assets: Disables the downloading of minecraft's asset tree, recomended that build servers supply this flag to prevent downloading of useless data. LexManos: Add filter support for MCPMerger, and filter out libraries from the server's 'fat jar'. cpw: Ignore binpatch cpw: Fixes, so it builds again.. cpw: Changed to the EventHandler annotation universally, documentation and stuff. cpw: Add a simple property annotation system for mods. LexManos: Re-wrote/orginized a lot of Almost everything is re-written/moved. This is done in preperation for MCP to roll out SpecialSource support and the new 1.6 structure. Also done for my sanity while reading through the code. Intruduced a new function. If there is a 'mcp_data' folder in the FML folder, it will be copied to the MCP work directory after MCP is extracted. It DOES overwrite anything that already exists. This is intended for places like BuildServer to place libraries/assets to prevent them from needing to be downloaded every version. Introduced a dev-env json. Need to write the eclipse workspace references to the new libraries. Out custom json includes asm and legacylauncher. Added proper OptionParsing to LexManos: Add missing argument LexManos: Fixed for new folder strcture. LexManos: Add suggestions output if it can. LexManos: Update eclipse projects for new libraries dependancies, and update packages for new 1.6 classes. LexManos: Add Clean Server/Client launcher. Update to new Main class and login system. LexManos: Base GenDiff off deobf data's class list instead of the merged jar. Add option to delete target files that generate patches. LexManos: Add support for alternative maven servers in libraries. Also download sources for public libraries, and atach them in eclipse. DOCUMENTATION!! YAYA! cpw: Tweak missing mapping cpw: New mappings for marker cpw: First draft of 1.6 update cpw: More fixes, binpatching works LexManos: Push conf folder for 1.6, Relied heavily on a yet-unreleased version of MCP. LexManos: Fix typo in new packages. LexManos: Another typo cpw: More fixups cpw: Some fixes for updated mcp code cpw: 1.6.1 cpw: Tweak commands patch cpw: Functional client @ 1.6.1 cpw: Client launch for eclipse LexManos: Add windows lzma executable He states that most things are under public domain, But I couldn't find an exact reference to this executable. I'm going to assume it under public domain and distribuiting it here is fine. If not someone please direct me to the apropriate license and I will act accordingly. LexManos: Fix wrong project name in distro eclipse launch. LexManos: Add deobf data to src dist. Dont create deobf jar as we ship the lzma Added *.lzma to .gitignore LexManos: Add deobf data to merge-common, worspace is now actually runnable! cpw: Cleanup coremod code, server side working now. cpw: Update mcp URL. Build 5.2.28 (binpatching): LexManos: Move down Forge's EventBus to FML, More efficient and faster then Guava's. LexManos: Stop using guava's EventBus and use Forge's. Build 5.2.26 (binpatching): cpw: No more debug please cpw: Server side tested and working. Setup is complex atm. That will change. LexManos: Depercate annotation specific Mod init system. Use standard EventBus annotation, this is MUCH smpler and straight forward. Durasticlly decreases the complexity of the FML Mod class design. Build 5.2.23 (master): cpw: Attempt to properly fix deadlock if the internal server derps. It should never hang now. Damn you fast computer.. cpw: Small tweaks to the mcp data. Nothing major.. Build 5.2.21 (master): cpw: Add in an optional modid identifier for @SidedProxy. It's main use is when both scala and java @Mods reside in the same package, and you want the @SidedProxy behaviour for a specific @Mod language type. In general it should not be needed otherwise. cpw: Fix sysout with trailing messages after a newline Build 5.2.19 (master): cpw: Don't continue trying to send events to mods that depend on errored mods. Build 5.2.18 (master): cpw: Don't throw an exception if the scala adapter find a java proxy. I may add some distinguishers to @SidedProxy so you know which mod it's for. Build 5.2.17 (master): cpw: Send the "suspect list", and print the suspect versions Build 5.2.16 (master): cpw: Throw the sorting exception Build 5.2.15 (master): cpw: More tweaks to the mod sorting code cpw: Add in a pretty sorting error screen Build 5.2.13 (master): cpw: Try and clean up cycle detection output a bit Build 5.2.12 (master): cpw: Fix server side derp with Forge network packet handler Build 5.2.11 (master): cpw: Separate network mod config from setup. Allows for Forge Packet Handler nicety Build 5.2.10 (master): florian: Alternative @SidedProxy setter for Scala. florian: Some more Scala @SidedProxy adjustments. Now properly supporting pure singletons, i.e. object C { @SidedProxy(...) var proxy: P = null } Removed fallback, as all such singletons are properly handled by the new code now, and class implementations fall back to the code also used for plain Java mods. florian: Merge declaration and initialization of a variable. Build 5.2.6 (master): LexManos: Don't spit error on LWJGL not supporting 4.3 just warning. Build 5.2.5 (master): LexManos: Add version detection to astyle and print error if it doesnt detect version 2.0+ Also fixed astyle's config for max-instatement-indent that sometimes caused crashes with certian versions of astyle. Build 5.2.4 (master): CovertJaguar: Improved Entity Spawn Error Build 5.2.2 (master): LexManos: Fix scalac detection to actually use the located command instead of defaulting to 'scalac' Build 5.2.1 (master): LexManos: Update MCP's md5 for the fixed srg files. Build 5.2.0 (master): cpw: Update for minecraft 1.5.2 Build 5.1.43 (master): cpw: Don't leave scala running in interactive mode. Build 5.1.42 (master): cpw: Some fixups for scala compilation in MCP. Scala should now be compilable and reobfuscatable with srgnames in MCP. cpw: Fix when an old scalac is present on the system to not fail the build LexManos: Fix patch derp. Build 5.1.39 (master): cpw: Fix URL for MCP Build 5.1.38 (master): cpw: Attempt to reduce lines on the screen for id mismatch. Hopefully prevents game crashes. cpw: Fix possible NPEs in GameData Build 5.1.36 (master): msciesinski: Fixing the GameRegistry. Now it is possible to register a Block with a BlockItem using following code: MyBlock myBlock = new MyBlock(); GameRegistry.registerBlock(myBlock, MyBlockItem.class, "myBlock"); where MyBlockItem class has one constructor with signature: public MyBlockItem(int id, Block block) Build 5.1.34 (master): cpw: Add a to string to fmlmodcontainer: should mean less derpy cyclic dependency data Build 5.1.33 (master): thoughtsofblought: Update Fixes a "Type mismath:cannot convert from element type Object to FieldNode" error at line 176. Build 5.1.31 (master): cpw: Fix scala supporting SidedProxy. It should work now. Build 5.1.30 (master): cpw: Fix a small modloader compatibility derp: closes #222 Build 5.1.29 (master): cpw: Fix possible NPE in findItemStack, closes #218 Build 5.1.28 (master): cpw: Fix to output versions in crash logs cpw: Use more expressive language when a version specifier is a simple unbounded above condition Build 5.1.26 (master): agaricusb: Add srgname to registerTileEntityWithAlternatives Build 5.1.24 (master): agaricusb: Add type info to properly deobfuscate overloaded fields. Fixes #210. cpw: Add in some caching of the read field descriptions for efficiency Build 5.1.21 (master): cpw: MCP names update Build 5.1.20 (master): LexManos: Re-worked the Texture patches, optifine helper function, and re-added support for dynamically rotating the texture for mod authors who do things horribly wrong. Build 5.1.19 (master): cpw: Very significant improvement in performance by using glSubImage to upload data. Inspired by frequent complaints about performance of hires texture packs. They probably still need a beefy system but should work. Hopefully I can figure out why the subImage GL side copy isn't working properly for an even more significant speed boost. But this gets things started. cpw: And add the patches *sigh* cpw: Fix compilation derp, and clean up rotation helper. Build 5.1.16 (master): LexManos: Fixed issue with instalation when java/javac commands had quotes. Build 5.1.15 (master): LexManos: Sanitize input to isRemappedClass to use '/' as a package seperator like the srg files. Build 5.1.14 (master): LexManos: Added the ability to save transformed classes to disc for debugging. Build 5.1.13 (master): cpw: Fix NPE when branding isn't present Build 5.1.12 (master): cpw: Change snooper/crash report brand handling. fmlbranding now loads another string! cpw: And the core patches for that Build 5.1.10 (master): cpw: Attempt to make any "default package" class public. This might fix problems with certain modloader mods that ship changes to vanilla classes. cpw: Fix up derp in access transformer Build 5.1.8 (master): cpw: Itemstacks in the GameRegistry (manual registration by mods) cpw: Clone the itemstack, and allow for passing in a stacksize cpw: Validate supplied stack size cpw: Add a mechanism to dump the registry- useful for mod developers. cpw: Add some information, and a log message letting you know it worked Build 5.1.3 (master): cpw: Fix mismatch screen a bit. Should render more correctly now and at least not be blank in a lot of circumstances.. Build 5.1.2 (master): jamesrtclarke: Fixed FMLRelaunchLog's Newline Handling System.out.println("\n") causes currentMessage to start with a newline character, which means idx will always be 0 from then on. Therefore if idx is 0 messages must still be logged, otherwise no more messages sent to stdout will be logged and they will just accumulate in currentMessage. Build 5.1.0 (master): merdiwendiyo: Fix missing block world rendering cpw: Fix up patch properly. Also, fix md5s for the jars. Build 5.0.38 (master): LexManos: Updated to latest MCP and Minecraft 1.5.1 Pre-release. LexManos: Someone derped up this function bad, revert name. LexManos: Updated for new PR client jar. Build 5.0.34 (master): LexManos: Fix NPE with CoreMods who do not have the new MCVersion annotation. agaricusb: Fix --mcp-dir option. Fixes #204. Build 5.0.35 (1.5.1): LexManos: Updated for new PR client jar. Build 5.0.31 (master): cpw: Fix the logger to treat newlines better, hopefully. Closes #199 cpw: Use the relaunch log, for class circularity safety. cpw: Support simple mc version test in coremods, only effective through jar loading. Also, log some more data about the environment. Build 5.0.28 (master): LexManos: Fix potential NPE in class loading and add extra debug information. Build 5.0.27 (master): bspkrs: Added comments to note FML-only methods Build 5.0.25 (master): cpw: Fix AllPublic access transformer not affecting methods. Should fix modloader compatibility Build 5.0.24 (master): LexManos: Allocate more ram {typically 256 is defailt} to fermflower, should fix decomplication issues on OSX LexManos: OS X's python 2.6.1 has a bug in zipfile.extractall that makes it unzip directories as regular files. So switch to extract Build 5.0.22 (master): cpw: Fix up stupid derp in IMC code: actually reset the IMC list after each delivery. Fixes a bunch of mods. Sorry everyone. Build 5.0.21 (master): cpw: Fix up deep tree deobfuscation cpw: Pass obfuscation status to coremods Build 5.0.19 (master): LexManos: Update MCP for latest PR silent update. LexManos: Missed joined.exc, must fix scripts. Build 5.0.17 (master): LexManos: Readjust size of mods button when Minecraft Realms button is enabled. Build 5.0.16 (master): cpw: Update MCP, fixes the "broken texture packs" problem. Build 5.0.15 (master): Uristqwerty: Simplify logic in tick start/end Change the EnumSet equivalent of "A &= ~ new(~B)" to "A &= B". This eliminates the need for one temporary object in a frequently called loop, and reduces the number of methods that need to be invoked. cpw: Fix coremods without a manifest crashing the game. Closes #181 cpw: Fix demo mode crash. Closes #187 cpw: Fix supertype parsing to handle null superclass (Hi Object!). Closes #160 cpw: Change type of connection queue to a concurrent linked queue. Much more efficient, hopefully. Closes #189 cpw: Fix "0 mods" display when installed in forge. Build 5.0.8 (master): cpw: Fix reflection helper: it needs to unmap the classname to find the field maps. Build 5.0.7 (master): cpw: Use the reobfuscation maps in the reflection helper for field lookups: should help some reflection cases with the deobf. cpw: Revert "Use the reobfuscation maps in the reflection helper for field lookups: should help some reflection cases with the deobf." This reverts commit 485db6be2e6b54a9a523a2b06e0d886792b0826a. cpw: Try a different way of remapping the fields. Should work because it's userspace, not relauncher space Build 5.0.4 (master): cpw: Fix up some relauncher stuff: the vanilla applet works now, as do other applets. Deobf data is resolveable for them too. Build 5.0.3 (master): LexManos: Fixed srg name of minecraftDir for runtime deobf. Build 5.0.2 (master): cpw: Fix runtime deobfuscation for remapped inner classes Build 5.0.1 (master): LexManos: Fix Multi-part entity children ID issue, mobs with custom spawning must deal with child ids themselves. Build 5.0.0 (master): LexManos: FML will now rename local variables to have JAD-style names instead of FernFlower var## names. New script to do this, to allow for modders to run it over there own code: python -mcp [folders to rename]... LexManos: Updated patches for new JAD style names. cpw: Initial setup for snapshot- the client compiles, but patches fail to apply. cpw: Initial patch update for snapshot cpw: Delete old patches not needed anymore cpw: A couple of packaging tweaks, clean up more junk. It may come back but for now it's gone cpw: Fix modlist to use the new texture binding functions, i think cpw: Another packaging update. I think we're done now. cpw: Temporary hosting cpw: Fix mcp conf md5 signatures for the snapshot cpw: Update for MCP7.30c - fixes redstone rendering issues cpw: First draft runtime deobf cpw: Working to read class names and remap them at runtime. cpw: Method deobfuscation now works cpw: Now actually works for mods, somewhat. It currently generates access violations for ModLoader mods that presume access to fields that are not actually accessible from a different package. cpw: Read the joined.srg file directly from lib/ now. Still debating distribution method. cpw: Final part of the deobfuscation data setup- fields are now deobfuscated as well. All that remains, is to figure out what and how to distribute the deobfuscation data itself. cpw: MCP compilation works cpw: Update for MCP 7.34 and MC 13w05b cpw: Fix some class naming and packaging issues, pending an MCP update for the same cpw: Fix Language Registry, closes #163 cpw: Fix renderengine patch *sigh* cpw: Update libs for 1.5. Lots of new libs. cpw: Clean up more junk cpw: Change readFully to actually read a bunch of bytes at once now. Thanks to nallar and aartbluestoke for the suggestion to revisit this.. cpw: Tweak IASM hook api. You can return multiple classes now. LexManos: Fix bug in rename_vars where certian items would fail to be renamed. LexManos: Fix crash in GuiModList for mod logo files, logo is not rendering for unknow reason. LexManos: Update distribuited eclipse's classpath for updated libraries. cpw: Tweaks to runtime deobf cpw: Update FML to 1.5 snapshot 13w09c LexManos: Readd ignore for argo and bouncycastle, needed for our replacement to work properly. LexManos: Delete unneeded patch LexManos: Actually remove classes from the csv when removed, and moved All EntityMinecart entities to net.minecraft.entity.item LexManos: Fix exc for renamed Behavior classes. cpw: Add in build for deobf data zip file, update for official mcp 7.39 cpw: Build, and use, MC versioned deobfuscation data cpw: Fix up runtime deobfuscation. Working well now. cpw: Update MCP URL for snapshot cpw: Don't enforce signatures on minecraft classes cpw: Force the joined.srg timestamp to zero- avoids annoying sha1 differences cpw: Ignore deobf data LexManos: Ignore this commit. LexManos: Ignore again, testing submodule. LexManos: Force file name encoding to UTF-8, caused different zips on different systems. cpw: Capture Minecraft logs into FML logging cpw: Update next render to 40 cpw: FIX massive performance issue with FML. Thanks to @sfPlayer1 for finding this epic derp on my part! cpw: Refresh the renderengine after modloading is complete. Should fix issues with out-of-place texture registration by mods. cpw: Refresh copyright notices on everything cpw: Strip deprecated code cpw: Fix up state transition derp when the server crashes with an error- it shouldn't double-derp cpw: Tweak license text- any osi licensed project can use the asm transformer code cpw: Scala support! It's still primitive, I hope that people will like it. I do :) cpw: Global object registry, also, support the new itemblockwithmetadata constructor cpw: Update to MCP 1.5 and minecraft 1.5. LexManos: Update for new MCP with srg reobf. cpw: Support the MCP format of partial reobfuscation for portability. Ensure modloader-like compatibility cpw: Update MCP info for latest rainwarrior: Fixes GameRegistry.registerBlock cpw: Revert "Fix modlist to use the new texture binding functions, i think" This reverts commit 48544db690bf213a322954b7bd39cb3a8ca59bb1. Conflicts: client/cpw/mods/fml/client/ cpw: Some fixes for the snapshot cpw: Fix accidental commands.patch overwrite cpw: Fix up some small things, merging into mainline Build 4.99.89 (snapshot15): cpw: Revert "Fix modlist to use the new texture binding functions, i think" This reverts commit 48544db690bf213a322954b7bd39cb3a8ca59bb1. Conflicts: client/cpw/mods/fml/client/ cpw: Some fixes for the snapshot cpw: Fix accidental commands.patch overwrite Build 4.99.86 (snapshot15): cpw: Ignore deobf data LexManos: Ignore this commit. LexManos: Ignore again, testing submodule. LexManos: Force file name encoding to UTF-8, caused different zips on different systems. cpw: Capture Minecraft logs into FML logging cpw: Update next render to 40 cpw: FIX massive performance issue with FML. Thanks to @sfPlayer1 for finding this epic derp on my part! cpw: Refresh the renderengine after modloading is complete. Should fix issues with out-of-place texture registration by mods. cpw: Refresh copyright notices on everything cpw: Strip deprecated code cpw: Fix up state transition derp when the server crashes with an error- it shouldn't double-derp cpw: Tweak license text- any osi licensed project can use the asm transformer code cpw: Scala support! It's still primitive, I hope that people will like it. I do :) cpw: Global object registry, also, support the new itemblockwithmetadata constructor cpw: Update to MCP 1.5 and minecraft 1.5. LexManos: Update for new MCP with srg reobf. cpw: Support the MCP format of partial reobfuscation for portability. Ensure modloader-like compatibility cpw: Update MCP info for latest rainwarrior: Fixes GameRegistry.registerBlock Build 4.99.66 (snapshot15): cpw: Force the joined.srg timestamp to zero- avoids annoying sha1 differences Build 4.99.65 (snapshot15): cpw: Don't enforce signatures on minecraft classes Build 4.99.64 (snapshot15): cpw: Tweaks to runtime deobf cpw: Add in build for deobf data zip file, update for official mcp 7.39 cpw: Build, and use, MC versioned deobfuscation data cpw: Fix up runtime deobfuscation. Working well now. cpw: Update MCP URL for snapshot Build 4.99.58 (snapshot15): LexManos: Fix exc for renamed Behavior classes. Build 4.99.57 (snapshot15): LexManos: Readd ignore for argo and bouncycastle, needed for our replacement to work properly. LexManos: Delete unneeded patch LexManos: Actually remove classes from the csv when removed, and moved All EntityMinecart entities to net.minecraft.entity.item Build 4.99.54 (snapshot15): cpw: Update FML to 1.5 snapshot 13w09c Build 4.99.53 (snapshot15): LexManos: Update distribuited eclipse's classpath for updated libraries. Build 4.99.52 (snapshot15): LexManos: Fix bug in rename_vars where certian items would fail to be renamed. LexManos: Fix crash in GuiModList for mod logo files, logo is not rendering for unknow reason. Build 4.7.39 (master): LexManos: Just enable server side compile, and warn not to cmplain to us. Build 4.7.38 (master): LexManos: Fixup reobfusication of server code if present. Build 4.99.50 (snapshot15): cpw: First draft runtime deobf cpw: Working to read class names and remap them at runtime. cpw: Method deobfuscation now works cpw: Now actually works for mods, somewhat. It currently generates access violations for ModLoader mods that presume access to fields that are not actually accessible from a different package. cpw: Read the joined.srg file directly from lib/ now. Still debating distribution method. cpw: Final part of the deobfuscation data setup- fields are now deobfuscated as well. All that remains, is to figure out what and how to distribute the deobfuscation data itself. cpw: Fix Language Registry, closes #163 cpw: Tweak IASM hook api. You can return multiple classes now. Build 4.7.43 (runtimedeobf): cpw: A log of logging cleanup. FML will now read to configure logging channels a couple of times during startup. You should be able to filter a lot of messages based on things like modid and certain FML related features that can be noisy like item tracking. Should close #175 cpw: More logging tweaks. You can probably configure individual mod log files if you wish now cpw: IMC tweaks: runtimeMessages now work (thanks for all that testing for this much requested feature!) and IMCEvent will no longer remove messages if no one gets them, so you can do just manual runtime polling, if you wish. cpw: Fix up mistake that broke all modloading. Nice. cpw: Fix HD mob skins, FINALLY!!! Stupid eyes are stupid. LexManos: Option to disable renaming for srgnames. cpw: Fix Language Registry, closes #163 cpw: Fix Language Registry, closes #163 Build 4.99.39 (snapshot15): cpw: Clean up more junk cpw: Change readFully to actually read a bunch of bytes at once now. Thanks to nallar and aartbluestoke for the suggestion to revisit this.. Build 4.99.37 (snapshot15): cpw: Update libs for 1.5. Lots of new libs. Build 4.99.36 (snapshot15): cpw: Fix renderengine patch *sigh* Build 4.99.35 (snapshot15): LexManos: Add parameters to FML install to enable/disable certian aspects. Applying patches, running transformer/merger, and decompiling server. cpw: Tweak a method signature cpw: Deprecate the old GUI ticktype. They're dead and have been for some time. cpw: Try and handle "death on startup" a bit cleaner cpw: A log of logging cleanup. FML will now read to configure logging channels a couple of times during startup. You should be able to filter a lot of messages based on things like modid and certain FML related features that can be noisy like item tracking. Should close #175 cpw: More logging tweaks. You can probably configure individual mod log files if you wish now cpw: IMC tweaks: runtimeMessages now work (thanks for all that testing for this much requested feature!) and IMCEvent will no longer remove messages if no one gets them, so you can do just manual runtime polling, if you wish. cpw: Fix up mistake that broke all modloading. Nice. cpw: Fix HD mob skins, FINALLY!!! Stupid eyes are stupid. LexManos: Option to disable renaming for srgnames. cpw: Fix Language Registry, closes #163 LexManos: Fix sprite map issue. immibis: Console log thread should be a daemon thread. Build 4.7.37 (master): immibis: Console log thread should be a daemon thread. Build 4.7.35 (master): LexManos: Fix sprite map issue. Build 4.7.34 (master): cpw: Fix Language Registry, closes #163 Build 4.7.33 (master): LexManos: Option to disable renaming for srgnames. Build 4.7.32 (master): cpw: Fix HD mob skins, FINALLY!!! Stupid eyes are stupid. Build 4.7.31 (master): cpw: Fix up mistake that broke all modloading. Nice. Build 4.99.19 (snapshot15): cpw: Fix some class naming and packaging issues, pending an MCP update for the same Build 4.99.18 (snapshot15): cpw: MCP compilation works cpw: Update for MCP 7.34 and MC 13w05b Build 4.7.30 (master): cpw: IMC tweaks: runtimeMessages now work (thanks for all that testing for this much requested feature!) and IMCEvent will no longer remove messages if no one gets them, so you can do just manual runtime polling, if you wish. Build 4.7.29 (master): cpw: More logging tweaks. You can probably configure individual mod log files if you wish now Build 4.7.28 (master): cpw: Try and handle "death on startup" a bit cleaner cpw: A log of logging cleanup. FML will now read to configure logging channels a couple of times during startup. You should be able to filter a lot of messages based on things like modid and certain FML related features that can be noisy like item tracking. Should close #175 Build 4.7.33 (runtimedeobf): cpw: Read the joined.srg file directly from lib/ now. Still debating distribution method. cpw: Final part of the deobfuscation data setup- fields are now deobfuscated as well. All that remains, is to figure out what and how to distribute the deobfuscation data itself. Build 4.7.31 (runtimedeobf): cpw: Now actually works for mods, somewhat. It currently generates access violations for ModLoader mods that presume access to fields that are not actually accessible from a different package. Build 4.7.26 (master): cpw: Tweak a method signature cpw: Deprecate the old GUI ticktype. They're dead and have been for some time. Build 4.7.24 (master): cpw: Fix up packages.csv ordering for easier diffing LexManos: Add parameters to FML install to enable/disable certian aspects. Applying patches, running transformer/merger, and decompiling server. Build 4.99.16 (snapshot15): donington: FMLLogFormatter: dynamic log level name FMLLogFormatter now uses getLocalizedName or getName for log level name Changes to be committed: modified: common/cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/ cpw: Update license text to make clear that FML is not a way to sidestep MCP licensing. bspkrs: Fix logical error in comment text cpw: Update address of the FML repository to the new location in all the files cpw: Update MCP to MCP7.26a and refresh MCP names cpw: Fix breaking change cpw: Javadoc cleanup cpw: The "ServerStarting" event should now properly crash the server if it fails, so the client will properly exit. Also, added in a "pre-server-start" event that fires before the worlds are loaded for a save, just for you immibis. cpw: Remember to add the new patches! cpw: Add in a registry method to allow for alternative TileEntity names- they will be used to support loading maps containing the older definitions. cpw: Fix up packages.csv ordering for easier diffing Build 4.99.2 (snapshot15): cpw: Update for MCP7.30c - fixes redstone rendering issues Build 4.7.22 (master): cpw: Add in a registry method to allow for alternative TileEntity names- they will be used to support loading maps containing the older definitions. Build 4.7.21 (master): cpw: Remember to add the new patches! Build 4.7.20 (master): cpw: The "ServerStarting" event should now properly crash the server if it fails, so the client will properly exit. Also, added in a "pre-server-start" event that fires before the worlds are loaded for a save, just for you immibis. Build 4.7.19 (master): cpw: Javadoc cleanup Build 4.7.18 (master): cpw: Fix breaking change Build 4.7.17 (master): donington: FMLLogFormatter: dynamic log level name FMLLogFormatter now uses getLocalizedName or getName for log level name Changes to be committed: modified: common/cpw/mods/fml/relauncher/ bspkrs: Fix logical error in comment text Build 4.7.11 (master): cpw: Update license text to make clear that FML is not a way to sidestep MCP licensing. Build 4.99.1 (snapshot15): cpw: Fix mcp conf md5 signatures for the snapshot Build 4.99.0 (snapshot15): cpw: Initial setup for snapshot- the client compiles, but patches fail to apply. cpw: Initial patch update for snapshot cpw: Delete old patches not needed anymore cpw: A couple of packaging tweaks, clean up more junk. It may come back but for now it's gone cpw: Fix modlist to use the new texture binding functions, i think cpw: Another packaging update. I think we're done now. cpw: Temporary hosting Build 4.7.10 (master): cpw: Fix incorrect end length calculation. Closes #161 Thanks BStramke! Build 4.7.9 (master): cpw: Fix LanguageRegistry loading files in UTF-8 format. loadLocalization should work for non-xml in all languages now (assumes UTF-8) Build 4.7.8 (master): CovertJaguar: Added an accessor for villagers Build 4.7.6 (master): LexManos: New python script for signing partial jar files. See comments inside for details. LexManos: New python script to update java files for new package names. Usage: paython --mcp-dir [Folders To Repackage] Build 4.7.4 (master): cpw: Move server stopped *after* the server has actually stopped. *sigh* Build 4.7.3 (master): cpw: Add in a "server stopped" event Build 4.7.2 (master): cpw: Add in some classloader debugging information: use fml.debugClassLoading=true as a system property to track down problems with classes not being found or loading erratically. Build 4.7.1 (master): cpw: Revert MCP name change for canConnectRedstone - it conflicts with a forge method of the same name and breaks 1.4.6 to 1.4.7 compatibility Build 4.7.0 (master): cpw: Update for MC 1.4.7 Build 4.6.17 (master): cpw: Log if there's a problem reading the class bytes cpw: Fix multiple GUI containers for ML containers. Sorry ultimatechest that this fix took so long, a bug report at would help, next time ;) Build 4.6.15 (master): LexManos: Fix NPE in fingerprint loading, and pass expectged fingerprint to FMLFingerprintViolationEvent Build 4.6.14 (master): cpw: Fix a message delivery issue in IMC Build 4.6.13 (master): cpw: Some tweaks for signing and ID matching Build 4.6.12 (master): LexManos: Output obfed files with reserved windows names to _NAME.class LexManos: MCP will reobf classes with reserved names in windows to a legal file name. And FML will try to read these classes over the default ones. LexManos: Fixed placement of onConnectionClosed callback. LexManos: Remove unneeded file Build 4.6.8 (master): LexManos: Add quotes around javac command. Build 4.6.7 (master): cpw: Update MCP to newer version Fix fingerprint fire Build 4.6.6 (master): cpw: InterModComms now supports a runtime polling based model for inter-mod comms at runtime. Deprecate method that shouldn't be used. COPY it's content to your mod. Don't CALL it. Build 4.6.5 (master): cpw: Don't be as alarming about item overwrites. Build 4.6.4 (master): cpw: Added configuration file which allows modids to ignore ID validation checking. IT WILL CRASH YOUR GAME in 99.999% of cases. Immibis is a whingy ass. And TinyTimRob too. Now STFU and GTFO. closes #510 for ever. Build 4.6.3 (master): LexManos: Dixed ev eclipse worksapce, now references BC. Build 4.6.2 (master): LexManos: Removed hardcoded additions LexManos: Added client src folder to classpath for startclient/startserver. Build 4.6.0 (master): cpw: Remove old NEI/CCC compatibility code and other classloading tweaks cpw: More stuff for the thingy cpw: Fix newline fun cpw: Move Side and SideOnly to relauncher package cpw: More fixes cpw: More work cpw: more 1.4.6 tweaks cpw: Fix build script cpw: Update to MC 1.4.6 Build 4.5.65 (master): cpw: Fix up handling null names. *sigh* Build 4.5.64 (master): cpw: Some tweaks to item identification. The GameRegistry methods are deprecated to encourage you to use the new named ones instead. These will force a name on the item/block, allowing for stronger matching than "sequential guessing" Build 4.5.63 (master): LexManos: Updated MCP download mirriors upon Searge's request. Build 4.5.63 (master): cpw: Remove old NEI/CCC compatibility code and other classloading tweaks Build 4.5.62 (master): LexManos: Fix var name messup Build 4.5.61 (master): LexManos: Update released eclipse project to link BouncyCastle Build 4.5.60 (master): cpw: Fix possible escape leakage.. cpw: Change ID management slightly. IDs are tracked by block type for itemblock items now. This means servers will need to update. Also, ordinal rearrangements within a mod will no longer trigger server disconnection, though a warning will still be logged. Build 4.5.58 (master): LexManos: More robust eclipse workspace replacement Build 4.5.57 (master): LexManos: Inital script side commit for MC source repackaging done. LexManos: Update FML imports LexManos: First half of new patches LexManos: Move IBossDisplayData to shared LexManos: Remove common folder from projects LexManos: More re-packaging, got most classes out of the default package. LexManos: Finished repackaging net.minecraft.* net.minecraft.client is left LexManos: Delete duplicate file LexManos: Fix build eclipse extractor task LexManos: Add a modid on the mods list, should make it easier to do things like forge chunkloading config LexManos: Add in storage, detection and validation of the ItemID array between client and server and also for world saves. May help with item configuration issues. LexManos: Remerged branch, and updated dev eclipse workspace. LexManos: Fixed 0.tree to actually refresh the workspace. LexManos: Give new classes a distinct package to be moved from. LexManos: Updated patches to new packages. LexManos: Some stragler patches LexManos: Update all imports for repackaging. Branch is compileable. LexManos: Update fml_marker.cfg, Minecraft is now runnable! LexManos: Updated the update_packages script to support different mcp locations LexManos: Fished moving out the rest of the default packaged classes to aproperiate packages. Updated patches and code to reflect. LexManos: Updated build script to not use the mcp common directory as it doesn't exist anymore. LexManos: Removed remaining references to src/common Fixed eclipse workspace replacemnt on source dist Cleanup some outputs LexManos: Some derp protection in the workspace copy. cpw: Fix up idmap code LexManos: Fixing id map generation - should validate correctly now LexManos: Remade python dist as 32-bit. LexManos: Fix patches, rebased with HEAD cpw: Remove extraneous patch file cpw: Change to download bouncy castle as well. We also finally properly use the downloaded libs even in vanilla code! LexManos: Kill decompile if astyle is not found and set execution bits on mcp .sh files and astyle-osx Build 4.5.23 (master): LexManos: Fixing id map generation - should validate correctly now LexManos: Remade python dist as 32-bit. LexManos: Fix patches, rebased with HEAD pahimar: Update common/cpw/mods/fml/common/registry/ Add in logging of what file failed to be loaded Build 4.5.39 (repackage): LexManos: Removed remaining references to src/common Fixed eclipse workspace replacemnt on source dist Cleanup some outputs LexManos: Some derp protection in the workspace copy. Build 4.5.37 (repackage): LexManos: Fix build eclipse extractor task LexManos: Add a modid on the mods list, should make it easier to do things like forge chunkloading config LexManos: Add in storage, detection and validation of the ItemID array between client and server and also for world saves. May help with item configuration issues. LexManos: Remerged branch, and updated dev eclipse workspace. LexManos: Fixed 0.tree to actually refresh the workspace. LexManos: Give new classes a distinct package to be moved from. LexManos: Updated patches to new packages. LexManos: Some stragler patches LexManos: Update all imports for repackaging. Branch is compileable. LexManos: Update fml_marker.cfg, Minecraft is now runnable! LexManos: Updated the update_packages script to support different mcp locations LexManos: Fished moving out the rest of the default packaged classes to aproperiate packages. Updated patches and code to reflect. LexManos: Updated build script to not use the mcp common directory as it doesn't exist anymore. Build 4.5.18 (master): cpw: Add in storage, detection and validation of the ItemID array between client and server and also for world saves. May help with item configuration issues. Build 4.5.17 (master): cpw: Fix build eclipse extractor task cpw: Add a modid on the mods list, should make it easier to do things like forge chunkloading config Build 4.5.15 (master): LexManos: Assume Forge is the parent directory when checking for AT configs. cpw: Remove old eclipse workspace and ship/extract as a zip file (use ant setupenvironment) Fix up for forge multibranch changes cpw: Try defaulting branch differently cpw: Try and make branch non-derpy cpw: Fix typo Build 4.5.14 (master): cpw: Try and make branch non-derpy Build 4.5.13 (HEAD): cpw: Try defaulting branch differently Build 4.5.12 (HEAD): cpw: Remove old eclipse workspace and ship/extract as a zip file (use ant setupenvironment) Fix up for forge multibranch changes Build 4.5.11 (HEAD): LexManos: Assume Forge is the parent directory when checking for AT configs. Build 465: cpw: Clean up build.xml script- support outputting a branched jar file cpw: Try and get a valid branch name on jenkins cpw: Last part of branch name only please cpw: Name both zips the same format Build 464: cpw: Last part of branch name only please Build 463: cpw: Try and get a valid branch name on jenkins