Changelog: Build 2764: tterrag1098: Fix patches from #5160 running on the client and causing stutter Build 2763: LexManos: Class transformer optimizations (#5159) * Filter packages for deobf transformation * Only serialize transformed class with TerminalTransformer if bytecode changed Build 2762: github: Update github stale so issues can be Assigned Build 2761: LexManos: Fix MC-136995 - Chunk loading and unloading issue with entities placed in exact positions. (#5160) Scatter gun patches to improve entity tracking and position tracking. Provided by Aikar through the Paper project, this commit of patches combines the following patches: Build 2760: LexManos: Fix --mods and --modListFile arguments not making it past LaunchWrapper. Build 2759: LexManos: Remove BlamingTransformer (#5115)