Changelog: Build 1.4.5- LexManos: Fix logic issue in ForgeChunkManager.ticketCountAvaliableFor(username) PR LexManos: Fix issue where worlds were potentially unloaded improperly on server shutdown. Build 1.4.5- LexManos: Small change to fix loading configs. Build 1.4.5- LexManos: Added section of the EntityData NBT that will be persisted for players across respawning. Build 1.4.5- LexManos: Exposed some ChunkLoader information for PR #278 LexManos: Fix potential NPE in EntityJoin handler and print warning. Build 1.4.5- LexManos: Small tweak to config to use Treemap Build 1.4.5- xcompwiz Adds a more intelligent chunk constructor Adds a chunk constructor with full block id range, that's metadata sensitive, has intelligent coord ordering, and which allows for generation at greater heights than 127. xcompwiz: Fixes some weird formatting zach Fixes ordering for z & x loops (proper array increment order) The ordering before would skip about in the ids and metadata arrays. This runs linearly and should improve performance. Done live on github Build 1.4.5- LexManos: Fixed AIOOB issue with new sanity check in getBlock Build 1.4.5- LexManos: Fix potential NPE in saving a property that didn't define a type. Build 1.4.5- LexManos Added new functions to the Config class to allow for specification of comments when getting properties. Added new getTerrainBlock whihc will limit the resuling ID to < 256, useful for world gen. Calls to getBlock with IDs less then 256 will be assigned values above 256 {Thus freeing up terrain gen slots} Made ConfigCategory implement Map should fix compatibility with most mods that broke two builds ago. Build 1.4.5- xhamolk.class11 OreDictionary addition: getOreID(ItemStack) Allow getting the oreID from a ItemStack, as an alternative from getOreID(String). Now is easier to exchange items for their equivalencies through the OreDictionary. Build 1.4.5- LexManos: New nested configuration category support, for PR #258 Build 1.4.5- LexManos: Fixed issue with abandoned chunks. LexManos: Fixed random chest items not generating to there max stack sizes. Build 1.4.5- ohai.iChun Add check that Entity saves to disk before saving entity to saved chunkloading data. Returning false to addEntityID prevents the entity from being saved (cred to LexManos) Entities which do not save to disk but are chunkloaders causes errors the next time the world loads. This ought to fix it.