Changelog: Build 1.5.1- LexManos: Revert MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge@f594109b30c87f5a0996eee9e8c4513380733cee If concurancy issues arise we will reassess. The provided solution caused entities to be removed incorrectly and cause 'invisible' entities client side. Build 1.5.1- LexManos: Fix EntityPlayer passed to Bonemeal event. Build 1.5.1- LexManos: Fix off-by-one in rotated textures. LexManos: Removed index bounds checking in some chunk functions, if you error blame Grum. Build 1.5.1- LexManos: Fix vanilla texture bug causing rotated textures to be placed wrong. Build 1.5.1- cpw Updated FML: MinecraftForge/FML@8b8837c9ff635d4988e0a1504fca38667825daf0 Fix NPE when branding isn't present Build 1.5.1- kraphteu: Remove unneeded SideOnly. ref: Buildcraft/Buildcraft#710 Build 1.5.1- cpw Removed obsolete patches Updated FML: MinecraftForge/FML@26ccb9106e443e664b0fdc1b95c3600b90ab2bc5 Change snooper/crash report brand handling. fmlbranding now loads another string! MinecraftForge/FML@eff464cf0e656d92dfedf16e79e5cd6c36b9fc76 And the core patches for that Build 1.5.1- cpw: Sanity check the item ID for loaded liquid stacks better. Build 1.5.1- cpw: Make liquidstacks immutable in their type data. Sorry about this, but it makes things a lot easier. cpw: Add in persistence code for LiquidTank. Using it should protect against liquids that get removed f.e. Closes #395 Build 1.5.1- cpw: Fix up liquidstack so it knows about the texture sheet for it's icon