Changelog: Build 2775: LexManos: Fix some null returns from defaulted registries (#5235) Build 2774: LexManos: Only remove synthetic lambda methods referenced in body of SideOnly methods (#5127) Build 2773: LexManos: A different approach to my changes in to fix #5207 LexManos: Fix patches from #5160 setting rotation as well as position (#5233) LexManos: Use HTTPS for files website. Build 2772: tterrag: Make Forge-provided default transforms accessible to custom models tterrag: Make Forge blockstate variants correctly inherit AO setting from vanilla models (#5190) * Make Forge blockstate variants correctly inherit AO setting * Move variant format checks into variant, check for added properties * Small code cleanup tterrag: fixed visual bug with guislider tterrag: Allow IModel to express itself as a vanilla parent (#5195) * Fix errors caused by fancy missing model being non-vanilla parent * Switch instanceof checks to a default IModel method * Small code tweaks Build 2771: tterrag: Add CreativeTabs#getLabelColor Build 2770: tterrag: Allow providing a BufferedImage for banner render generation (#5041) * Adds an Event to allow providing a BufferedImage for the banner render generation (cached) textures, since banners don't use an atlas. implementation. * Missed some copyright; might as well absolut text match, I guess * Remove unneeded patch change * Fix event variable access convention * Formatting fix * Improve event handling registration * Import cleanup * Replace event approach with Supplier approach * Better name for test mod (now that it's no longer an event); adds ENABLE flag * Moves MC code into net.minecraftforge.client.MinecraftForgeClient.getImageLayer to simplify patch * Generalize naming Build 2769: mezz: Fix Mesa biome entry tags in the BiomeDictionary (#5177) Build 2768: LexManos: Bump version number for RB. Build 2767: LexManos: Change biome spawn list entries to use factory method where possible (#5075) LexManos: Prevent some texture loading errors from crashing the game (#5121) LexManos: Patch PotionHelper to use registry delegates (#5142) LexManos: Add a notification event for handling game rule changes (#5152) Build 2766: LexManos: Change universal bucket support to use fluid names instead of instances (#5031) Build 2765: LexManos: Fix NPE on clientside entities constructed with null world (#5170) Build 2764: tterrag: Fix patches from #5160 running on the client and causing stutter Build 2763: LexManos: Class transformer optimizations (#5159) * Filter packages for deobf transformation * Only serialize transformed class with TerminalTransformer if bytecode changed Build 2762: github: Update github stale so issues can be Assigned Build 2761: LexManos: Fix MC-136995 - Chunk loading and unloading issue with entities placed in exact positions. (#5160) Scatter gun patches to improve entity tracking and position tracking. Provided by Aikar through the Paper project, this commit of patches combines the following patches: Build 2760: LexManos: Fix --mods and --modListFile arguments not making it past LaunchWrapper. Build 2759: LexManos: Remove BlamingTransformer (#5115)